Академия логистики и транспорта
Балбаев Гани Кудайбергенович

Balbaev Gani

Pro-rector of the “Supervisory Board”, Professor of ALT, PhD, docent

Email: g.balbayev@alt.edu.kz


Professional biography

26.08.2021 – up to the present time Vice-rector for Research Council of JSC “Academy of Logistics and Transport”.
4/01/2018 – 2021 Director of the Institute of “Telecommunications and Space Engineering”, AUEC.
29.06.2017 – 03.01.2018. Head of the Department of “Electronics and Robotics”, Almaty University of Energy and Communications.
10.10.2016 – 28.06.2017. Head of the Department of “Space Engineering and Technology”, Almaty University of Energy and Communications.
01.08.2016 – 10.10.2016 Vice-Dean of the Faculty of “Radio Engineering and Communication”, Almaty University of Energy and Communication.
01.01.2016 – 01.08.2016. Associate Professor of the Department of “Space Engineering and Technology”, Almaty University of Energy and Communications.
01.09.2015 – 01.01.2016. Senior Lecturer of the Department of “Space Engineering and Technology”.


1. 2001 Basic education in the specialty “Mechanical Engineering” Kazakh National Technical University, Almaty. 2.2015 Doctorate
(BOLASHAK program) PhD in Mechanical Engineering,
University of Cassino and South Lazio, Cassino, Italy.

Participation in scientific projects

Robotic systems and complexes, artificial intelligence, lower limb exoskeleton for rehabilitation. SCIENTIFIC PROJECTS
1. Grant of the MES RK on the topic “Development of adaptive drives for manipulators”, performer. Period: 36 months (2014-2017).
2. Grant of the MES RK on the topic “Research and development of an innovative LED power supply”, scientific supervisor of the project. Period: 36 months (2018-2020).
3. Grant of the MES RK on the topic “Development and research of artificial vision of robotic systems”, performer. Period: 36 months (2018-2020). INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS
1. International grant ERASMUS +, “InnoCENS Innovative competencies and entrepreneurial skills in higher technical education”, performer. Period: 36 months (2016-2019).
2. International grant ERASMUS +, “APPLE Applied curriculum on the development of outer space and intelligent robotic systems. Period: 36 months (2016-2019).”


1. A novel regenerative snubber circuit for flyback topology converters // Journal of Vibroengineering. Vol. 22, Issue 4, 2020, p. 983- 992. https://doi.org/10.21595/jve.20 20.20898 (Процентиль – 38).
2. Artificial Adaptive Filter for Robotic Systems // Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review. 2020 Special Issue, SI (2020), pp. 118-121 (Процентиль – 45).

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