Академия логистики и транспорта
Тасболатова Лаура

Tasbolatova Laura

Senior Lecturer, Master

Email: l.tasbolatova@alt.edu.kz

Professional biography

2014 -2016 – Laboratory assistant at the Department “Automation and Control” KazATC named after M. Tynyshpaev;
09.2020-12.2020 – Methodologist of the highest category of the sector of methodological support and quality control of the Educational and Methodological Department of the Academy of Policy and Quality of JSC “KazATC named after M. Tynyshpaev”;
01.2021-05.2021 – Acting head of the sector of methodological support and quality control of JSC “Academy of Logistics and Transport”.
01.06.2021- present – Head of the Strategic Development and Monitoring Office;
04.2021- present – Assistant teacher at the Department of “Automation and Control” (part-time)


2011-2014 – Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M.Tynyshpaeva, specialty 5B070200-Automation and Control, Bachelor of Engineering and Technology.
2014-2016 – Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M.Tynyshpaeva, specialty 6M070200-Automation and Control, Master of Technical Sciences.
2016-2020 – Russian University of Transport, specialty 05.22.08 – “Management of transportation processes”

Participation in scientific projects

Questions of methods for improving electromagnetic compatibility of railway automation and telemechanics systems, methods for measuring the asymmetry of traction current of rail circuits, algorithms for calculating the distribution of alternating traction current along rail lines and errors of indirect measurement of asymmetry of traction current under the receiving locomotive coils ALS, etc.
1. The executor of the project on grant financing AP13068231 “Research and development of algorithms for the operation of the national system of microprocessor centralization of arrows and signals” for 2022-24


1. Pat.for invention №2695438 Russian Federation, MPK7A 61 L 23/16. A method for measuring the electrical resistances of heterogeneous rail threads on electrified sections of railways // applicant and patent holder of the Russian University of Transport – №2018136134; application 12.10.2018; publ. 23.07.2019. Byul. № 21. – 11 p. : ill.
2. Pat.for invention №33844 Kazakhstan. Method of monitoring the condition of grounding circuits connected to rails // applicant and patent holder Joint Stock Company “Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M. Tynyshpaeva” (KZ).Publ. 16.08.2019, byul. №33. -4 p.: ill.
3. Indirect measurements of the ratio of traction currents under ALSN coils // Automation, communications, informatics. – 2018. – №8. – pp. 2-5.
4. Assessment of the electromagnetic environment for automation equipment with electric traction // Bulletin of KazATC. – 2019. – № 4. – pp. 174-179.

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