Toygozhinova Ainur
Director of IEDT, Assistant professor, PhD
Email: a.toigozhinova@alt.edu.kz
Professional biography
1999-2003. Assistant of the Department “Industrial Electronics” (Electronics and Computer Technologies) AIEC.
2003-2009. Senior Lecturer at the Department of “Electronics and Computer Technologies”.
2003-2008. Course instructor at the Cisco Networking Academy at AIEC. Senior Lecturer of the Department of “Computer Networks” AIEC.
2008-2011. Regional level instructor and main contact person of the Cisco Regional Networking Academy at AIEC.
2011-2016. Instructor and specialist of the technical support center of the Cisco Regional Networking Academy. Senior lecturer at AIEC.
2017-2018. Senior lecturer KazATC named after M. Tynyshpaeva. Department of “Automation and Control”.
2018. Associate Professor KazATC named after M. Tynyshpaeva. Department of “Automation and Control”.
2019 Head of the Department “Automation and Control” KazATC named after M. Tynyshpayev.
2021 Head of the Department of “Automation and Control” of the Academy of Logistics and Transport, Associate Professor of ALT. From 09.2021 Director of the Institute “Automation and Telecommunications”
1994-1999 AIEC. Specialty – Industrial Electronics.
2011-2013. Scientific and pedagogical magistracy. Specialty – 5В071900 “Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications”.
2014-2017. Doctorate of KazNTU named after K.I.Satpayev. Specialty – Automation and Control. The PhD diploma was approved on March 19, 2018.
Participation in scientific projects
Research and development of an automated air ozonation unit. Modeling a corona discharge taking into account ion diffusion. Automation and control. IT technologies.
1. Stereo matching using oriented spatial Habor filters // Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High-Energy Physics Experiments, 2016. (Scopus, CiteScore=0,8, Процентиль=19).
2. Optymalizacja parametrów światłowodowych czujników do pomiaru temperatury // Middle Pomeranian scientific society of the environment protection. Środkowo-pomorskie towarzystwo naukowe ochrony środowiska Annual Set The Environment Protection. Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska. Tom 18. Rok 2016, Koszalin, Poland. (Scopus, Процентиль=37, Q3).
3. Multispectral method and means for determining the distance of the shot on the basis of the study of gunshot injuries of the skin tissues // Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, doi:10.15199/48.2017.03.30. (Scopus, Процентиль=22, Q3).
4. Modeling of processes in the zone of corona discharge ionization // News of the National Academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series Geology and technical sciences. №1(421), Vol.1. p. 197-204, 2017. (Scopus, Процентиль=37, Q3).