Академия логистики и транспорта
Галимова Назгул Галымкызы

Galimova Nazgul Galymkyzy

Senior Lecturer, Master of Mathematical Sciences

Email: n.galimova@alt.edu.kz


Brief (professional biography)

1999-2001 y.y. – Secondary School №59 named after Abai, teacher of mathematics and computer science;
2001-2008 y.y. – Almaty State Polytechnic College, Department of «Information Technologies», teacher of special subjects;
2008-2010 y.y – Consulting company «AVKS», financial manager;
2010-2017 y.y. – Caspian public university, Department of automation and Computer Engineering, senior-lecturer;
2018-2021 y.y. – Head of the Department of «Information Technologies», Almaty State Polytechnic College, teacher of special subjects;
2021-2024 y.y. – Turan University, Department of «Marketing and logistics», senior-lecturer;
02.09.2024 y.y – ALT university named after M.Tynyshpayev, Department of «Information and communication technologies», senior-lecturer


ASU named after Abai – 1999, specialty -Mathematics-Computer Science; ASU named after Abai – 2001, specialty -Mathematics; master of mathematical sciences, specialty «Mathematics»


1) Galimova N.G. Organization of transport processes. Methodological guidelines for the implementation of laboratory work in the subjects «Organization of transport processes». – Almaty: KazNRTU named after K.I.Satpayev, 2022. – 72 P.
2) Galimova N.G. Economics and mathematical methods and models in Logistics. Methodological guidelines for practical classes in the subjects «Economic and mathematical modeling». – Almaty: KazNRTU named after K.I.Satpayev, 2022. – 35 p.
3) Mukhanova G.S., Galimova N.G. Economic and mathematical methods and models in logistics. Methodological recommendations for practical work on the subjects «Economic and mathematical modeling». – Almaty: KazNRTU after K.I.Satpayeva, 2022. – P. 38
4) Galimova N.G. Simulation modeling of logistics processes in supply chains: educational and methodological complex. – Almaty: Turan University, 2023. – 96 P.
5) Galimova N.G. Fundamentals of design in Logistics: educational and methodological complex. – Almaty: Turan University, 2023. – 96 P.

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