Академия логистики и транспорта
Мамилов Бакытжан Естемесович

Mamilov Bakytzhan Estemesovich

Assistant professor

Email: b.mamilov@alt.edu.kz

Professional biography

From 1993 to 2007, he worked in the GCT and CR “Almatytelecom” JSC “Kazakhtelecom”
From 2008 to 2016 he worked at Transtelecom JSC, performed the following
From 2016 to 2019 – Lecturer at the Department of Radio Engineering and Telecommunications of the Joint Stock Company Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M. Tynyshbaev.
From 2020 to 2021, Assistant Professor of the Department of TiIT-I, ALT JSC.


higher, AIEiS 2000, Radio engineering, broadcasting and television, Communications engineer.


1. Automated system of operative transport management Vestnik KazATK, Almaty, KazATK printing house, No. 1 (104), 2018, pp. 139-146 Lipskaya MA Tolymbekova BE
2. Modernization of railway telegraph in the Republic of Kazakhstan Bulletin of KazATK, Almaty, KazATK printing house, No. 1 (108), 2019, p.192-196 Tolimbekova BE, Abieva MS
3. Automation and modernization of railway telegraph in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Tolymbekova BE, p4. 4. Automated Operating System for Transportation Management (CISS) Tolymbekova BE, Abieva MS, Orazymbetova AK
5. Assessment of the reliability of optical fibers caused by external factors. 6. MPLS technology on railway transport networks “World of Science”, Topical issues and prospects of Development of science and education (topical issues and prospects of Development of science and education). -2018, p.27-33 (Minsk) Lipskaya MA, Tolymbekova BE, Kasymbay MA, Sovetkyzy B.

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