Egzekova Anara Tlyulesovna
Assistant Professor, Ph.D.
Email: a.egzekova@alt.edu.kz
Professional biography
2003-04. – trainee-lecturer of the Department of “Power Supply” KazATK;
2004-07 – assistant of the Department of “Power Supply” KazATK;
2007-11 – Deputy Dean of the Faculty of “Automation and Telecommunications” KazATK;
2013-14 – Associate professor of the Department of “Electric Power” KazATK;
2014-19 – head of the Department of “Electric Power” KazATK;
2020-21. – Associate Professor of ALT Department of “Electric Power Engineering” ALT;
since September 2021. Assistant Professor of the Department of “Energy” ALT.
2003 KazATK, 210440 – Power supply and electrification on railway transport;
2006 KUPS, 6M071800 – Electric power industry;
2010 Defense of the dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences, 05.22.06 – Railway way, research and design of railways.
1. Zharmagambetova M.S., Egzekova A.T.
Orynbasarova A., Serikkaliev Zh.S. Mathematical models of reliability of power supply systems, Bulletin of KazATK No. 1 (116), 2021 pp. 339-345
2. Zh.Zh. Kaliev, Egzekova A.T.,
G.T. Askanbai Development of an effectively biaxial solar tracking system for various climatic conditions.Bulletin of the KUPS. Industrial transport of Kazakhstan. No.3(68)-2020. pp.36-40 3.T.K. Koishiev, K.Zh. Kalieva, Egzekova A.T. Development of PV-solar technology architecture in the Shadowanalyzer” software system Bulletin of the KUPS. Industrial transport of Kazakhstan. No.3(68)-2020. pp.135-139