Kalimbetov Galim Primzhanovich
Senior lecturer, master of technical sciences
Email: g.kalimbetov.alt.edu.kz
Brief (professional biography)
1 1998-2001 JSC “Almaty plant of heavy engineering”, department of repair of software equipment Engineer – electronics
2 2001-2004 CJSC City Electric Distribution Networks, technical department of RES-4 Electrician for supervision of cable networks
3 2004-2005 Almaty University of Energy and Communications, Department of Electric Drive and Automation of Industrial Installations Engineer of the highest qualification level
4 2005-2007 Kazakh National Technical University named after K. Satpaev, Department of Electric Drive and Automation of Technological Complexes Senior Lecturer
5 2007-2008 Kazakh National Technical University named after K. Satpaev, Institute of Automation and Control Deputy Director
6 2008-2011 Kazakh National Technical University named after K. Satpaev, Department of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications Senior Lecturer
7 2011-2014 Eurasian Technological University, Department of Engineering and Informatics Senior Lecturer
8 2015-2016 Central Asian University, Department of General Technical Disciplines Senior Lecturer
9 2016-2017 Central Asian University, Faculty of Innovative Technologies and Engineering Dean of the Faculty
10 2017-2019 Central Asian University, Department of “Fundamental Sciences” Head of Department
11 2019-2021 Central Asian University, Department of “Fundamental Sciences” Associate Professor
1. 1993-1998 Kazakh National Technical University Electric drive and automation of industrial plants and technological complexes Electromechanical engineer ZhB 0008887 dated 07/01/1998
2. 2014-2016 Master’s Degree in Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications
3. 2018-2021 PhD in Automation and Control
Participation in scientific projects
1 Topic: “Research of the motor response of intelligent robots of a parallel structure” 2012 Performer
2 Topic: “Method of cleaning oil-contaminated soils and oil sludge 2013 Performer
3 Departmental initiative research “Conducting research to determine the priorities of the scientific and technical development of the fuel and energy and industrial complex of Kazakhstan” 2017 Performer
Разработка структурных схем системы автоматического управления многофункциональным энергетическим комплексом Материалы международной научно – практической конференции «Наука и жизнь – 2019» часть 11. Прага. Тойгожинова А.Ж. Джексенбаев Е.К.
Вопросы и надежность электроэнергетики РК Cборник научных трудов по материалам Международной научно-практической конференции 12 октября 2020 г. / Под общ. ред. Е. П. Ткачевой. – Белгород : ООО Агентство перспективных научных исследований (АПНИ), 2020. –17-21с. Тойгожинова А. Ж
Автономные системы электроснабжения Международное научно – педагогическое издание. Высшая школа Казахстана. 4/2019. Алматы 2019. 190-196 стр. Тойгожинова А. Ж
СРЕДСТВА ОРИЕНТАЦИИ И АНАЛИЗ СПОСОБОВ СОЛНЕЧНЫХ ПАНЕЛЕЙ Вестник КазАТК 3(114) 2020г. г. Алматы. 206-213 стр Тойгожинова А. Ж
Көпфункционалды энергетикалық кешендердің (КФЭК) құрамындағы жел электр генераторының параметрлері мен жұмыс режимдерінің өндірілетін қуаттқа тәуелділігі. ВЕСТНИК Казахский национальный педагогический университет имени Абая Серия «Физико-математические науки» № 4 (72), 2020 г. Тойгожинова А. Ж
DEVELOPMENT OF STRUCTURAL SCHEMES AND OPERATION ALGORITHMS FOR THE AUTOMATIC CONTROL SYSTEM OF A MULTIFUNCTIONAL ENERGY COMPLEX Известия Национальной академии наук РК. Satbayev University. Серия геология и технические науки. №1 (445). Январь-февраль 2021г. A.Zh. Toygozhinova. Wojcik W
Optimal anti-surge control of gas pumping unit with gas turbine drive | Optymalne sterowanie przeciwpompażowe gazowym zespołem pompowym z napędem turbinowym Przeglad Elektrotechnicznythis link is disabled, 2021, 2021(9), стр. 42–45 Oliynyk, A.P., Feshanych, L.I., Ushkalenko, I.M., Spabekova, M.
The tracking system of a three-dimensional position of hand movement for tremor detection Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineeringthis link is disabled, 2020, 11581, 115810I Selivanova, K.G., Avrunin, O.G., Zlepko, S., Bizhanova, A.