Kangozhin Bekmukhambet
Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences
Email: b.kangozhin@alt.edu.kz
Professional biography
1984-1992 Alma-Ata Power Engineering Institute – Senior Engineer
1992-1996 – Alma-Ata Institute of Railway Engineers – Head of the Department “ENS”
1996-2004 – Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communication named after M.Tynyshpaeva – Head of the Department of “Electric Power Engineering”, Professor of the Department of “E”, Director of the Institute of Distance Learning
2005-2015 – Kazakh University of Railway Engineering – Head of the Department of “Automation and Power Supply in Transport”
2017-2024 – Al-Farabi Kazakh National University – Professor
1971-1977 – Moscow Power Engineering Institute – High Voltage Engineering, Electrical Engineer
1980-1984 – Moscow Power Engineering Institute – Candidate of Technical Sciences
2001-2004 – Kazakh Academy of Transport and Telecommunications – Doctor of Technical Sciences
Participation in scientific projects
Head of the project for commercialization of the results of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities on the topic “Software and hardware complex for operational blocking of switching devices to ensure electrical safety and increase the reliability of power supply”, funded by a grant from the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2017-2019),
– Head of more than 30 projects on modernization, reconstruction and construction of energy objects of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
– Head of more than 10 projects for the development of electric networks in the territories of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
– Head of more than 5 innovative projects in the field of electric power and electrophysics, including those with certificates of state registration of copyright rights.
1. Electromagnetic compatibility of high voltage substation SMART devices. «Physical Sciences and Technology», Journal/ Almaty/ Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Vol. 7 (No. 1-2), 2020: 48-55.
2. Повышение энергоэффективности тяговой сети. «Вестник КазАТК» №4 (115), 2020, стр.333-341.
3. Развитие электрических сетей Джамбульской области. «Вестник КазАТК» №3 (114), 2020г. стр.214-222.
4. Коммутационные импульсные помехи на тяговой подстанции. «Вестник КУПС. Промышленный транспорт Казахстана». Алматы, 2020, №3 (68), стр.70-77.
5. Электромагнитное воздействие токов короткого замыкания на цепи релейной защиты тяговой подстанции. «Вестник КазАТК» №2 (113), 2020г. стр. 264-272.
6. Влияние экранирования кабеля на ЭМС устройств СЦБ. «Вестник КазАТК» №2 (113), 2020г. стр.256-263.
7. Тепловизионный способ контроля состояния изоляции маслонаполненного оборудования. «Вестник КУПС. Промышленный транспорт Казахстана». Алматы, 2020, №2 (67), стр.29-35.
8. Технологическая энергоэффективность теплоэнергетических установок. «Вестник КУПС. Промышленный транспорт Казахстана». Алматы, 2020, №2 (67), стр.142-149.
9. Thermal-imaging method for monitoring the insulation condition of oil-filled equipment. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology. Vol. 29, No. 12s, (2020), pp. 1585-1590.
10. Метод контроля высоковольтной бумажно-масляной изоляции. «Вестник КазАТК» №1, 2020г. с. 239-246.