Академия логистики и транспорта
Серікқалиев Жұмажан Саинұлы

Serikkaliyev Zhumazhan Sainuly

Senior lecturer, Master of Technical Sciences

Email: zh.serikkaliev@alt.edu.kz

Professional biography

2015-2017, specialist of the Department of “Electric Power Engineering”, Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M. Tynyshpaev;
2017-2020, Lecturer of the Department of “Electric Power Engineering”, Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M. Tynyshpaev;
2017-2020, Design Engineer of the “Design and survey” sector, M. Tynyshpaev Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications (part-time);
2019-2022, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Plasma Physics, Nanotechnology and Computer Physics, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (part-time);
2019-2020, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Automation and Telecommunications, Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M. Tynyshpayev;
2020-2022, Lecturer of the Department of Electric Power Engineering, Academy of Logistics and Transport (part-time);
In 2021-2022 – Executive Secretary of the Admissions Committee, Academy of Logistics and Transport;
2022 (October) – 2023 (February), Head of the Monitoring and Evaluation Office, Academy of Logistics and Transport;
2023 (March) – 2023 (August), Director of the Department of Postgraduate Programs and International Cooperation, Academy of Logistics and Transport;
2023 (August)-currently, senior lecturer of the Department of “Energy”, Academy of Logistics and Transport.


2011-2015, Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M.Tynyshpaeva, specialty 5B071800 – Electric Power Engineering, Bachelor of Engineering and Technology.
January 2014 – June 2014, Omsk State University of Railways, specialty “Electricity supply of electrified roads”, under the academic mobility program.
September 2015 – May 2017 Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M.Tynyshpaeva, specialty 6M071800 – Electric Power Engineering, Master of Technical Sciences.
September 2020 – June 2023 Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, specialty – 8D07108 – Electric Power Engineering.

Participation in scientific projects

Scientific direction: Assessment of the stability of traction networks.

Participation in the development of the following projects:
– Participation of the RP “Construction of the second tracks of Chu – Almaty-1” section “Contact network”, section of art.Kazybek-bek-Almaty-1.
– “32 – CRCP. Adjustment of the feasibility study. Construction of the second tracks Chu – Almaty-1” section “Contact network”;
– “33 – CRCP. Reconstruction of Astana station and art . Fortieth” section “Contact network”;
– “787 – TSZHS. Overhaul of a metal bridge on 657 km of the Semipalatinsk – Zhana-Semey section of the East Kazakhstan region” section “Outdoor electric lighting”.


Increasing the wind resistance of the electrified section of Aktogay –Dostyk is the main factor of operational reliability. Almaty, KazATK Bulletin (Special issue) Volume 2, 2019 189-193 p.
Automation of substations using a microprocessor-based starting device for high-speed automatic switching on of the power reserve. Almaty, KazATK Bulletin No. 4 (111), 2019 271-279 p.
Method of control of high-voltage paper-oil insulation. Almaty, KazATK Bulletin No. 1 (112), 2020. 239-246 p.
Factors affecting the stability of traction networks. Almaty, KazATK Bulletin No. 2 (121), 2022. 323-330 p.
Determination of the probability of failure of power transformers of traction substations. Almaty, KazATK Bulletin No. 4 (123), 2022. 283-292 p.

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