Академия логистики и транспорта
Кунакова Гульшара Умирзаковна

Kunakova Gulshara Umirzakovna

Assistant-professor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Email: g.kunakova@alt.edu.kz

Professional biography

1986-2004 teacher of Russian language and literature, Deputy Director for educational and methodological work at M.Auezov Secondary School;
2004-2009 Senior worker on science of the Research Institute of Education Standards of the KAE named after Y.Altynsarina;
2009- 2015.- assoc.professor of the department “Languages” of the Caspian Public University; KazNTU named after K.Satpayev, senior lecturer of the department “Russian language” 2014-2015,
2015-to this day – assoc.Professor ALT of the Department of “Language Training” of the Academy of Logistics and Transport.


1981-1986-Dzhambul Pedagogical Institute, teacher of Russian language and literature at the national school,
2005-2008. – full-time postgraduate study of the I.Altynsarin KAE,
2009. – PhD, 13.00.01.-General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education, ethnopedagogy


1. Development of monologue speech as the basis of communicative competence of Kazakh students. Bulletin of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences // Almaty, 2019. – №4 (90).- Pp.96-100:
2. Anthropocentric proverbs in Kazakh language-value of the great step civilization. “Science and life of Kazakhstan”, № 4 (80) 2019.- Pp. 232-236.
3. Didactic materials on the Russian language. Study guide. – Almaty: ALiT, 2021.-155 p.Cognitive Mechanisms Of Kazakhstan Commercial And Social Advertising TextOpción, Año 35, No. 88 (2019): 280-303
ISSN 1012-1587 / ISSNe: 2477-9385 (Scopus). CiteScore 2019 – Процентиль 38.Theory and practice of professional-oriented communication enhancement. Collective monograph. — „East West“ Association for Advances Studies and Higher. Education GmbH. Vienna, 2016. – 120 p./
4. Russian for technical universities. Educational and methodical manual. – Almaty: KazATK, 2018– – 318 p.

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