Академия логистики и транспорта
Абдирайымова Ардак Серикбаевна

Akbayeva Leila

Аssistant professor, PhD in Philosophy

Email: l.akbaeva@alt.edu.kz

Professional biography

1.193-1998 Assist., Art. Rev. Associate Professor of the Department of History of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science, KazNU named after Al-Farabi
2. 1999-2000 Art. Rev. KIEP at “BSB” (French House)
3.2000-2001 VNS IPO at KAO im. NS. Altynsarin
4.11-2004 Doctorate at the KAO named after them. NS. Altynsarin 5.2005-2008 Associate professor of the department “SRS” KazEU named after T. Ryskulova 6. 2008 Associate Professor of the Department of ASTU; VNS TVE KAO them. them. NS. Altynsarin (part-time) 7. 2008-2017 Assoc. prof. faculty “UGP” KazGASA (IOC). 8. 2017-2020, Associate Professor of the Department of SRS KazATiSO (full-time) 9. 2019-2020. Assist. prof. Department “IKiSGD” (part-time) 10. 2020-2021. Assoc. prof. Department “IKiSGD” (full-time)


1985-1990 Kazakh State University named after CM. Kirov (KazNU named after Al-Farabi), Faculty of Philosophy and Economics, department “Philosophy” (red diploma).
1994 candidate of philosophical sciences (Ph.D.)

Participation in scientific projects

1. Initiative NIP “Interdisciplinary aspects of social sciences and humanities”, 81 p. No.GR 0115RK00173. Responsible executor. 0218RKI0370
dated November 27, 2018


1. История казахской эстетической мысли: монография, Алматы: АЛиТ.- 2021г., 105 с.;
2.Гендерная социология: уч. пособие, Алматы: АЛиТ.- 2021г., 160 с.;
3.Социология: учебное пособие.-Алматы: Лантар-Трейд.-2020.г, 379 с. ;
4. Статья “Социально-ценностная иерархия животных в казахском традиционном обществе”. Вестник КазНПУ, Серия «Исторические и социально-политические науки», №2(69), 2021. – С. 77-83


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