Aldekeyeva Dinara Tanashbekovna
Associate Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission, Candidate of Technical Sciences
Email: d.aldekeeva@alt.edu.kz
Professional biography
1986-1991 study at Kazakh State Pedagogical University named after Abay;
1991-1993 Kazakh Chemical and Technological Institute, engineer;
1993-1996 Full-time postgraduate study at Almaty State University named after Abay;
1996-2002 at Almaty State University named after Abay, senior laboratory assistant, teacher;
2002-2021 ALT, acting associate professor, associate professor, Professor KazATK, assoc.professor, assistant professor
Kazakh State Pedagogical University named after Abay (1991), Physics and Computer Science; Candidate of Technical Sciences on 05.11.17 – Technology of silicate and refractory non-metallic materials (1999); Associate professor on 01.04.00 – Physics (2009)