Академия логистики и транспорта
Нурпеисов Сатыбалды

Nurpeisov Satybaldy

Associate Professor, docent, Cand. Sc. (Phys.-Math.)

Email: n.satybaldy@alt.edu.kz

Brief (professional biography)

1959-1962. primary school teacher of the Almaty region of Narynkol district;
1970-1975. senior lecturer at the Department of Mathematical Analysis of Kazgoszhenpi;
1975-1977. acting associate professor of the Department of Mathematics.analysis of Kazgoszhenpi;
1977-1985. Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematics.Kazgoszhenpi analysis;
1986-1990. associate professor of the Department of Higher Mathematics of the AINH;
1993. Associate Professor of the Department of Higher Mathematics of KazGAU;
2000-2005. Associate Professor of the Department of Higher Mathematics of KazEU named after T.Ryskulov;
2002. head of the Department of Higher Mathematics of KazEU named after T.Ryskulov;
2007. Professor of KazEU named after T.Ryskulov;
201-2023. Associate Professor of the Department of Higher Mathematics of AUE and Communications;
2023. Associate Professor: NAO Kazntu named after K.I.Satpayev;
2024. Associate Professor “ALT” University named after M.Tynyshpaeva.


09.1962-06.1967 g. student of the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of KazPI named afterAbai;
10.1967-10.1970 g. graduate student of KazPI named after Abai.


1. Textbook “Probability Theory and mathematical statistics” – Almaty: Economics-2023-150 pages;
2. “Study of stability of Hamiltonian systems in the presence of internal resonance” No.2(37) 2019-AUE and communications;
3. For the first time electronic textbooks on the subject “Mathematics for economists” in Kazakh and Russian languages.

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