Академия логистики и транспорта
Аипенов Ж.С.

Aіpenov Zholdasbek Srailovich

Senior lecturer, master of transport

Email: zh.aipenov@alt.edu.kz

Professional biography

2011-2016 JSC “NC” KTZh Almaty branch of the road, station Almaty-1;
2016-2022 JSC Kaz ATC and JSC ALT , department “OTOT” – assistant teacher


1) In 2008, graduated from KazATC them. M. Tynyshpaeva with a degree in OTOT with a Bachelor of Transport qualification.
2) In 2013, graduated from Kaz ATC with a degree in Organization of Transportation, Traffic and Operation of Transport, and was awarded an academic degree of Master of Transport Sciences


Integrated measures for reducing traffic of local wagons at railway stations (The Bulletin of Kaz ATC, Vol. 110, No3 (2019) )

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