Академия логистики и транспорта
Бекжанова Сауле Ертаевна

Bekzhanova Saule

Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences

Email: s.bekzhanova @alt.tdu.kz

Professional biography

1985-1986 – Moscow Institute of Railway Transport Engineers, – trainee teacher.
1986 -1996 – Alma-Ata Institute of Railway Transport Engineers – postgraduate student, trainee teacher, assistant, senior lecturer, head of the department.
1996-2020 – JSC “KazATС named after M. Tynyshpaev”, head. department, associate professor of the department, professor of the Department, Dean of the Faculty, Vice-rector for Educational Work, Vice-rector for Commercialization and External Relations, Vice-rector for Science and Cooperation, vice-rector for educational and methodological work.
2020-present – – JSC “Academy of Logistics and Transport”, Professor of the Department


In 1985 she graduated from the Alma-Ata Institute of Railway Transport Engineers – with a diploma – Engineer in Transportation Process Management.
In 1990 she defended her PhD thesis at the Moscow Institute of Railway Transport Engineers with the qualification of Candidate of Technical Sciences, No. 028934

Participation in scientific projects

Scientific projects were carried out under the leadership of Bekzhanova S.E.:
– Institutional section “Development of a feasibility study for the construction of the Khorgas – Zhetygen railway line”
– “Study of the conditions of functioning of transport and logistics centers, development of mechanisms to stimulate their creation in Kazakhstan and scientifically sound recommendations for their development”.
In April 2006, she participated in seminars on the “Railway Development Program” in major cities of South Korea.
From 2007 to 2009 – Member of the Expert Council of the Certification and Supervision Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
From 2011 to 2013, she led a project under the TEMPUS – Institute of Strategic Management of Universities program.
In 2014, the scholarship holder of the Bolashak Program completed an internship at the Berlin Technical University, Germany.
In 2016, she became the owner of the title “The best university teacher”. “The best university teacher” of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2016
Currently Project Manager 598817-EPP-1-2018- 1DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP “Economy, Ecology and infrastructure on high-speed railways (EEIHSR)” under the Erasmus program.


1) The calculation of free oscillations of an anisotropic three-dimensional array of underground structures (Известия НАН РК. Серия геологии и технических наук. Алматы, 2017 №2 – С. 175 -184 (Scopus)
2) Determination of rail voltages after impact of mobile composition (News of the national academy of sciences of the republic of Kazakhstan. Series of geology and technical sciences. ISSN 2224-5278. Volume 5, Number 425 (2017), Pages 262 – 269)
3)The method of limiting speed when passing turnouts of railway vehicles with bogies of model zk1 (News of the national academy of sciences of the republic of Kazakhstan. Series of geology and technical sciences. ISSN 2224-5278. Volume 1, Number 433 (2019), Pages 151 – 162)
4) Stresses in elements of metal railway bridges
under the action of the crew (News of the national academy of sciences of the republic of Kazakhstan. Series of geology and technical sciences. ISSN 2224-5278. Volume 2, Number 434 (2019), Pages 159 – 165)
5) Analysis of the stressed-deformed state of travel pipes with the use of hardware and software complex (News of the national academy of sciences of the republic of Kazakhstan. Series of geology and technical sciences. ISSN 2224-5278. Volume 1, Number 439 (2020), Pages 181 – 188)
6) Modeling the influence of the article device on dynamic indicators of freight wagons (News of the national academy of sciences of the republic of Kazakhstan. Series of geology and technical sciences. ISSN 2224-5278. Volume 5, Number 443 (2020), Pages 181 – 187)

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