Академия логистики и транспорта
Муратбекова Гульжан Валиевна

Muratbekova Gulzhan Valievna

Assistant professor, candidate of technical sciences, docent

Email: g.muratbekova@alt.edu.kz

Professional biography

From 08.1993 – 09.1994 – technician of the 2nd category of the technical department, Arys station
From 09.1994 -10. 1995 – operator of the technological center for processing documents, Arys station
From 10.1995 – 03.2003 – ticket office inspector, Arys station
From 03.2003 – 08.2003 – head of the lab. Department “Management of cargo and customs activities”, KazATC
From 08.2003 – 08. 2004 – assistant of the department “Management of cargo and customs activities”, KazATC
From 08. 2004 – 07.2009 – senior lecturer of the department “Management of cargo and customs activities”, KazATC
From 07. 2009 – 09.2009 – acting associate professor of the department “Cargo work Management”, KazATC
From 09. 2009 – 08. 2011 – PhD, associate professor of the department “Management of freight work”, KazATC
From 08. 2011 – 08. 2013 – Ph. D., associate professor of the department “Technology of transportation”, KazATC
From 08. 2013 – 05. 2018 – Ph. D., associate professor of the department “Organization of transport, traffic and transport operation”, KazATC
From 05.2018 – 09.2019 – professor (associate professor) of the department “Organization of transport, traffic and transport operation”, KazATC
From 18.07.2020 to 31.08.2021, professor of the ALaT department “Organization of Transportation, Traffic and Operation of Transport”, ALaT.
From 01.09.2021 to the present assistant professor, department “Organization of transportation and operation of Transport”, ALaT


In 1988, she entered the Almaty Institute of Transport Engineers, majoring in “Organization of transportation and management on railway transport”, qualification – engineer for the organization of transportation on railway transport.
In 1993, she graduated from the Almaty Institute of Transport Engineers, majoring in “Organization of transportation and management on railway transport”, qualification – engineer for the organization of transportation on railway transport.
In 2009, she defended her PhD thesis in the specialty 05.22.06 – “Railway track, survey and design of railways”.
In 2011, she received the title of associate professor in the specialty 05.22.00 – Transport.


Efficiency of carrying out measures to increase capacity on the Beineu-Shalkar section
Printed Bulletin of KazNITU, No.6 (136), 2019, 244-247 p.
Study of train formation with a solid schedule of freight trains
Printed Bulletin of KazNITU, No.6 (136), 2019, 237-244 p.
Simulation modeling of car traffic maintenance technology at a marshalling yard
Printed Industrial Transport of Kazakhstan, KUPS, No. 4(65 ), 2019, 143-148 p.
Logistics information support systems as a strategic resource of the transport flow Printed Bulletin of KAZGAS,
No.4(74), 2019, 220-226 p.
Kolik zhuyelerindegi zhuk operatsiyalaryn baskaru protesterin modeldeu Printed Special issue of the scientific journal “Bulletin of KazATC n.M.Tynyshpaeva” .- Almaty, 2019-No.3-4 (110-111), 56-60 p.
4.0 industrialandyru dauirinde Kazakstannyn machine zhasau salasyn damytu Printed Special issue of the scientific journal “Bulletin of KazATС n.M.Tynyshpaeva” .- Almaty, 2019-No.3-4 (110-111), 82-86 p.
Development of optimization models of supply chain management Printed Scientific journal “Vestnik” KazATC n.M.Tynyshpaeva” . – Almaty,
2019 – 4 (111), 118-123 p.
Optimization of technical and technological parameters of the station operation and parameters of freight trains Printed Bulletin of KazNITU
No. 2(138), 2020, 408-413 p.
Analysis of the performance of operational indicators of the transport enterprise JSC “KTZ-Cargo transportation” Printed Bulletin of KazNITU
No. 2(138), 2020, 287-294 p.
Modeling of transportation using linear programming Printed Scientific journal “Vestnik” KazATC n.M.Tynyshpaeva” . – Almaty, No. 4 (115), 2020, 109-117 p.

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