EP Name

7M11354 – Logistics (by industry)
Master’s degree profile direction


Training of highly qualified specialists capable of professional growth, able to analyze and solve problems using innovative technologies to improve transport and logistics systems.

The work of the department of Transport Services and Business is aimed at training modern, competent managers for the provision of transport and logistics services, the organization of international transportation capable of carrying out professional activities and solving non-standard tasks in transport. The huge opportunities and prospects of the Central Asian region and Kazakhstan in the organization of foreign trade transportation are supported by the transport and logistics infrastructure and the work of specialists in this field who know the general principles of transport logistics management based on the use of advanced equipment and technology.

The best practical teachers of the department are ready to give a huge amount of knowledge and experience in the field of logistics:

Musalieva R.D. — Head of the Department of TU&B at ALT University, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, work experience over 20 years

Izteleuova M.S. – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, has more than 40 years of experience in the field of transport logistics, business process reengineering, freight forwarding.

Musabaev B.K. – Professor at ALT University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, has more than 30 years of experience in organizing freight transportation and commercial activities in railway transport.

Karsybaev E.E. – Professor at ALT University, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, has more than 20 years of work experience in the field of transport services and warehouse logistics.

Learning outcomes:

-Demonstrate knowledge of the basics of personnel management, production, management, management psychology, apply information, ideas, conclusions and solutions.

 – Apply knowledge of a foreign language when writing reports, scientific publications and papers, when discussing problematic issues with the scientific community and in professional activities.

– Solve engineering problems in professional activity using methods of natural sciences, mathematical analysis and modeling.

 – Synthesize knowledge of the rules of software development and interpretation of information.

– To investigate and apply methods of planning and management of logistics activities of the enterprise in solving practical problems.

 – To develop logistics infrastructure projects and schemes for organizing the promotion of cargo flows in international transport corridors, regional transport and logistics systems in a single information field.

 – To assess the competitiveness of transport systems and the market of transport and logistics services, to predict cargo flows on highways.

 – To develop transport and technological schemes of cargo delivery with the implementation of forwarding control.

 – Use modern tools in enterprise management based on information technology in logistics activities.

 – Solve logistics risk management tasks in supply chains.

Head of the production logistics group; head of the logistics department; logistics analyst; logistics manager; purchasing manager; supply chain coordinator; logistician – designer; specialists of research institutes; teachers of higher educational institutions and colleges.

The department, within the framework of academic mobility and the program of double-degree education, as well as scientific internship of students, closely cooperates:

– Omsk State University of Railway Transport (OmSURT), Russian Federation, Omsk;

– Ural State University of Railway Transport (UrURT), Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg;

– Technical University of Varna, Bulgaria, Varna

– Siberian State University of Railway Transport (SSURT), Russian Federation, Novosibirsk;

– Riga Technical University, Latvia, Riga;

– Lublin Technical University, Poland, Lublin.

– Tashkent State Transport University, Tashkent.

The Department of Transport Services and Business closely cooperates with such companies as JSC “National Company “Kazakhstan Temir Zholy”, Association of National Forwarders of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Industrial and Logistics Center “DAMU–LOGICTICS”, LLP “STLC” (Shyngar Trans Logistics Company)”, LLP “Atasu”, LLP “TRANSIT KAZAKHSTAN”, LLP “ZINURTRADE”, etc.

Students undergo all types of practical training on the basis of leading transport and logistics companies and research organizations in Kazakhstan and abroad.

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