Badambaeva Saltanat Yergazievna
Deputy Director of the Institute “Logistics and Management”, senior lecturer
Email: s.badambaieva@alt.edu.kz
Professional biography
2021 – Deputy Director of the Institute “Logistics and Management”, ALT, senior lecturer of the Department of Logistics and Management in Transport;
2017-2014 – postgraduate study at MIIT;
2017-2021 – senior lecturer at the Department of Transport Logistics;
2001-2014 – trainee teacher, assistant, senior teacher of the departments “Organization of transportation”, “Organization of traffic”, “Technology of transportation”
Higher, 2001, “Organization of transportation and management in railway transport” by qualification: engineer for the organization of transportation and traffic management in transport
Participation in scientific projects
Participates as a performer in applied research work “Development of the technology of interaction between the Altynkol station, the ICBC and the Special Economic Zone” Khorgos-Eastern Gate “
1. Interaction of sea and rail transport on the example of the port of Aktau, “World of Transport”. – M: MIIT, 2019. – No. 17 (3). (VAK RF) RSCI
2. “Problems of managing a continuous transportation process in general transport hubs” Industrial transport No. 3, Almaty, 2017, p. 50-53, KKSON RK;
3. Development of a rational system for servicing port complexes by rail at port railway junctions, Science and Technology of Transport No. 1, 2020, pp. 52-59 (VAK RF, RSCI)
4. Logistic systems for managing freight forwarding, Industrial transport No. 3, Almaty, 2019, p. 126 KKSON RK
5. The use of logistics in railway transport is one of the ways to efficiently organize cargo transportation, Industrial transport No. 2, Almaty, 2021