Академия логистики и транспорта
Битилеуова Зухра Кадесовна

Biteleuova Zukhra

Professor ALT, Candidate of Technical Sciences

Email: z.bitileuova@alt.edu.kz


Professional biography

“1986 – 1990 – STIMMP, Semipalatinsk, laboratory assistant of the Department “Biochemistry”; 1990-1996 – Kazakh Research Institute of Meat and Dairy Industry, position of junior researcher;
1996-1998 – Semipalatinsk branch of the Semipalatinsk road, ticket cashier;
2000-2001 – KazATK named after M.Tynyshpaeva, position of Head of the laboratory of the Department of Physics;
2001-2003 – methodologist of the faculty “Organization of transportation”;
2003-2005 – Assistant of the department “Organization of cargo work”;
2005-2007 – Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Transportation Organization and Logistics;
2007-2009 – Associate Professor of the Department of Transportation Technology;
2009-2012 – Head of the “Registration Department”, in connection with the reorganization of the department, she held the position of Deputy Dean for educational and methodological work of the faculty “Organization of Transportation and Logistics”;
2012-2013 – position of Head of the Department “Organization of transportation, traffic and operation of transport”;
2014-2019 – Associate Professor of the Department “Organization of Transportation, traffic and operation of Transport”;
2019-2020 – Dean of the Faculty of Logistics and Management;
2020 – 10/30/2021 – position of Associate Professor of the Department “Organization of Transportation, Traffic and Operation of Transport”, ALiT;


1) In 2000, she graduated from the Semipalatinsk Technological Institute of Meat and Dairy Industry with a degree in engineering technology.
2) In 2002 she graduated from KazATK im.M.Tynyshpaeva majored in with the qualification of an engineer on railway transport.
3) In 2005, she successfully defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences in the specialty 05.22.06 – Railway track, survey and design of railways.
4) In 2007, I was awarded the academic title of associate professor in the specialty “Transport” by the KKSON of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


1) Road Transport Logistics-safety of the road movement; validity of the entry into the State Register of rights to the object protected by the author’s right No. 6509 from 19.11.2019.
2) significance of the Beineu-Shalkar section to increase the transit potential of the Republic of Kazakhstan, industrial transport Kazakhstan, Almaty, 2018 № 1 (58)- 26.
3) study of train transportation on the exact schedule of movement of freight trains, No. 6, 2019 in the scientific journal “Bulletin of Kaznitu”- P.237-244.
4) logistics system of information provision as a strategic transport resource, No. 4 (74), 2019 in the scientific journal “Bulletin kazgas”, – P. 220-227.
5) Quality Management of technical maintenance of trucks – management of the quality of technical maintenance of cargo vehicles, National Academy of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, 2020 No. 2.- p. 11-17.
6) Use of high Information Technologies on the road, //Bulletin of Kazntu im. K. Satpayeva, No. 2(138), 2020 – P. 405-409.
7) improving the effectiveness of the work of an impartial path, //Bulletin of Kazatk im. M. Tynyshpayeva, No. 2 (113), 2020-P.17-23.
8) development of diagnostic methods and structures, //Bulletin of Kazatk im. M. Tynyshpayeva, No. 2(113), 2020 – P. 23-30.
9) assessment and factor of access to various railway routes, //Bulletin of Kazatk im. Tynyshpayeva M., No. 2(113), 2020 – P. 30-36.
10) reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from road transport in cities of Kazakhstan, //Bulletin of Kazatk im. M. Tynyshpayeva, No. 2(113), 2020 – P. 107-115. 11) guidelines for improving road logistics, Kazatnik No. 2 (117), 2021, P. 51-58. 12) problems of logistics and transport chain management, Bulletin Kazatk No. 2 (117), 2021 pp. 59-68.

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