Maral Seitenovna Izteleuova
Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences
Brief (professional biography)
“In 2006, I defended my doctoral dissertation. I was awarded the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences in the specialty 05.22.08 – “Transportation Process Management”. In 2011, I received the title of professor in the field of “Transport” of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan. My total work experience is 44 years. My scientific and pedagogical experience is 22 years. “
“Doctor of Technical Sciences in the specialty 05.22.08 – “Transportation Process Management”. Approved by the Presidium of the KNASON MES RK on 28.06.2007, protocol No. 4 (FD No. 0000067) Professor in the specialty “Transport”. Approved by the KNASON MES RK on March 27, 2009, protocol No. 2 (PR No. 0000132)”
Participation in scientific projects
“Overview of the Possibilities of Restoring Railways in Central Asia” – conducting research under a grant from the European Community (EU). Justification of the volume of transportation between the countries of Southeast Asia, China – EU, Russia in land communication;
“Feasibility study for the construction of the Trans-Kazakhstan Railway (TKZhM) narrow gauge 1435 mm” – Section of social studies of projected freight flows in the direction of Southeast Asia – Europe (land and water-rail routes);
“Conducting a comparative assessment of the technical and economic characteristics of projects for the construction of a new shipping artery between the Caspian Sea and the Azov-Black Sea basin” – Justification of promising freight flows of Kazakhstan and transit cargo;
Participation in the transfer of modules within the framework of the European project of the TEMPUS educational program “MISCTIF” on the right to teach modules 3 and 7 within the framework of the European project of the TEMPUS educational program «MISCTIF» (France, Paris). Development of modules.
Participation in the FIATA educational project «Train-the-trainer» course in pedagogy;
Participation in the MANECA (Erasmus Mundus) project at the Vilnius Technical University (Vilnius, Lithuania);
Participation in the educational course «Development of the logistics system in the Asian region» (Japan, Nagoya). Participation in the business seminar on the topic: «Supply chain management» (USA, New York), etc. Improved her qualifications by participating in the educational course «Development of the logistics system in the Asian region» (Japan, Nagoya), in the work of the business seminar on the topic: «Supply chain management» (USA, New York); supply chain modeling at the University of Magdeburg; trained in Miškolce, etc. She also regularly participated in the work of national and international scientific and technical conferences with reports on improving the organization of the educational process. As part of the Teacher Mobility Program within the international Erasmus+ program, she gave lectures to students of the University of Dąbrowa Górniczy. Project Implementation Manager of the European Commission ERASMUS+ program on the topic “Development of a Bologna-based Master’s Program in Resource-Efficient Production Logistics (PRODLOG)” (2017-2021). Registration number 585967 – EPP – 1-2017-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP. Business trainer from the International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations (FIATA). Expert in the field of logistics and transport and as an expert I am involved in the evaluation of various projects. I have an International Diploma in Logistics and Transport from CILT and I am a Business Trainer from CILT. “
1. Development and computer modeling of a mathematical model of the dynamic behavior of gantry crane beams. Vol. 126 No. 3 (2023): Bulletin of KazATC
2. New opportunities and prospects for implementing the transit and export potential of Kazakhstan. Vol. 126 No.3 (2023): Bulletin of KazATC
3. Methods for improving the efficiency of logistics processes. Bulletin of the University “Turan”. 2024;(2):262-273.
4. Innovations in transport logistics and digital technologies. DOI: KazATK Bulletin No. 3 (132), 2024.”