Yelesheva Zhanna Bolatovna
Senior lecturer, Master of Economic Sciences
Email: zh.elesheva@alt.edu.kz
Professional biography
from 2006 to the present, JSC “ALT”, senior lecturer at the Department of Logistics and Transport Management
2002-2006 – KazATK named after M.Tynyshpaeva, Faculty of Engineering and Economics, specialty – Accounting and Audit, Bachelor’s degree;
2018-2020 AAES
1. Increase in the role and knowledge of the management board in modern conditions in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Ezhekvartalny scientific and information journal “Economics and statistics”, Volume 2, 2019, P. 14-18,
2.gender statistics in Kazakhstan: analysis of indicators and prospects for expanding the rights and opportunities of women, Ezhekvartalny scientific and practical Journal “Statistics, study and audit”, Volume 1, 2020, P. 197-201,
3. directions of the formation of an innovative economy in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Izvestia National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, series of social and humanitarian Sciences, Volume 2, 2020, P.97-102,
4. Risk management in transport and logistics centers, Kazkka Bulletin No. 4 (123), 2022, P.115-122,
5. strategy for the development and management of associated logistics centers in the regions, Kazkka Bulletin No. 3(126), 2023, P. 82-90