Zhanbirov Zhumazhan
Professor, Doctor of Technical sciences
Email: zh.zhanbirov@alt.edu.kz
Professional biography
Since 01.09.2018, Professor of the Department of KazATK named after M.Tynyshpaeva
Since 01.09.2016 Professor of the Department of KazADI named after L.Goncharov
2008-2016. – Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Vice-Rector for Research, Director of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Transport of the Central Asian University, Almaty
2006-2008 – Head of the Department, Director of the Institute of Almaty Humanitarian and Technical University, Almaty
2003-2006 – Assistant, Acting Associate Professor of the Department of KazNAU, Almaty
1991-2003 – President of “Bek-Gal” LLP, Almaty
1989-1991 – Senior Researcher, Director of the Ushkyn Research Institute at KazSHI, Almaty
1987-1989 – Chief engineer of the OPH of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Kazakh SSR, Atyrau region
1983-1987 – postgraduate student, Candidate of Technical Sciences, senior researcher of KazSHI, Almaty
1979-1983 – chief engineer of the OPH IN VASHNIL, Taldy-Kurgan region
1974-1979 – student of KazSHI, Almaty
1973-1974 – teacher of secondary school, Guryev region, village Makhambet
1971-1973 – service in the Soviet Army
1970-1971 – handyman at the state farm “1 – May”, Guryev region
1974-1979 – student of the Agricultural Institute of Almaty
1983-1986, postgraduate student of the Kazselhozinstitut, 02/21/1986-Candidate of Technical Sciences, specialty code-05.20.01
2008, defense of the doctoral dissertation of KazATK im.M.Tynyshpaeva cipher-05.22.08-Transportation management
2010-Professor of Transport
Participation in scientific projects
1. “Development of the concept of development of public transport in Atyrau for 2018-2023” in the amount of 22 million tenge from 01.06.2018-31.09.2018 – Scientific Supervisor
2. Improving the generalized efficiency indicator of the transit corridor “Western China-Western Europe”. State registration number 0119RKi0018
10.01.2019-31.12.2021-Scientific Supervisor
3. Logistics support of the road transport management system.
State registration number 0116RK00563. 09/10/2016-12/31/2020-Scientific Supervisor
1.Көлік логистикасының экономикалық тиімділігін анықтау. Вестник Алматинского технологического университета, №4, 2019 г. стр105-109
2. Features of determining the cost of transport services. Доклады НАНРК №2-2020 ISSN 2224-5227 Volume 2, Number 330 (2020), 73 – 80
3. Quality management of technical Maintenance of trucks. ДокладыНАНРК №1—2020 ISSN 2518-1483 (Online), ISSN 2224-5227 (Print) Volume 1, Number 329 (2020), 11 – 17
4. PROBLEMS OF OPERATIONOF TRUCKSIN THE REGIONSOF KAZAKHSTAN. ВестникНАНРК №2 – ISSN 1991-3494 Volume 2, Number 384 (2020), 15 – 21
5. “Definition of rational schemes for transporting goods from the People’s Republic of China to Kazakhstan and in transit through Kazakhstan”. Monograph.Almaty. AdiSharipov 120 st. Print.-2020 – ISBN 978-601-332-966-6- п.л.5,1
6. Modernaspects of modeling of transport routesInkazakhstan. Известия НАН РК №2 ISSN 2224-5278 Volume 2, Number 434 (2019), 62 – 68
7. Methods to improve the reliability and efficiency of the management system of car exploitation. Известия НАН РК,№6 –2019ISSN 2224-5278 Volume 6, Number 438 (2019), 139 – 146
8. Автомобилей. Методы повышения надежности и эффективности системы управления эксплуатация. PROCEEDINGS ISSN 1313-5031 (Print), ISSN 2535-0307(Online) YEAR III, USSUE 1 (6), SOFIA, BULGARIA 2019
9. Efficiency of the Use of Transit Potential of Kazakhstan of Republic(Scopus). Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (Pakistan),ISSN 1816-949Х, 2018-v.13.-Iss. 7.-P. 1584-1589.E3S Web Conf.Volume 201, 2020
10. MOTOR TRANSPORT LOGISTICS environmental protection . A training Vanual.Almaty. AdiSharipov 120 st. Print.2020- ISBN 978-601-332-965-9