Smailova Feruza Ibragimovna
Head of “Language Education” department, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
Email: f.smailova@alt.edu.kz
Professional biography
2005- assoc.Professor of KazATC ,
2021 – head of “Language Training” department
1999 – Kazakh State Women’s Pedagogical Institute, teacher of foreign language, 2011 – candidate of pedagogical sciences, 13.00.01 – general pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education, ethnopedagogy
Participation in scientific projects
Comparative analysis of the terms of the transport sphere (in Kazakh, Russian, English); 2013-2015 Formation of professional competencies and corporate culture of the future engineer as a multilingual personality (2016-2019)
1. Monograph – Historical and pedagogical bases of the development of language teaching in higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan (1917-1991) Almaty, ALT, 2021.-130 p.;
2. The impact of globalization on the study of foreign languages in the republic of Kazakhstan. Bulletin of KazNPU after Abai. June, 2020. Phil. science Series No. 2(72).-pp.574-581.
3.Retrospective analysis of didactic principles and methods of teaching a foreign language. Bulletin of KazNPU after Abai, 2021.Phil series.sciences 1(75).-PP.366-372