Zarema Mussabayeva
Senior Lecturer , Master of Social Sciences
Professional biography
Secondary school No23 (Almaty, Kazakhstan), teacher (1995 – 2000);
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan), scientific intern (2000 – 2001);
Satpayev University (Almaty, Kazakhstan), lecturer (2003 – 2010);
Almaty University of Power Engineering and Communication(Almaty, Kazakhstan), senior lecturer (2016 – 2021)
Almaty State University named after Abay
Specialty, Teacher of Russian language and literature at the national school (1991-1996)
Kainar University, Master of Social Sciences, Specialist “Psychology” (2018-2020)
1) “Applied aspects of certain provisions of axiological linguistics in the context of educational modeling of communicative norms”, All-Russian scientific online conference “Linguistic modeling in communication theory”, Grozny, ChSPU, 2021, RSCI (together with RK Bukeikhanova).
2) “Studying the professional ethics of an engineer in a technical university”, I European Int. scientific and practical. conf. “Languages in Science and Education: Challenges and Prospects”, October 29, 2017 – Hungary, Budapest: Open knowledge, 2017 (with Assoc. Professor Sanyarova N.S.)
3) “Teaching adequate translation of students of a technical university”, XVIII Intern. scientific and practical. conf. “European Science and Technology”, October 4-5, 2017 – Germany, Munich: Vela Verlag Waldkraiburg, 2017 (with Associate Professor Sanyarova N.S.)
4) “Conflict in the process of pedagogical communication in higher education”, III International. conf. “Education and Applied Psychology in the 21st Century: Current Perspectives”, April 15, 2018. – USA, New York, 2018. (together with Sanyarova N.S.)
5) “The place of computer terminology in teaching Kazakh students of a technical university to the professional Russian language”, XIII Intern. conf. on European Science and Technology. – Germany, Munich, April 20-21, 2016. (together with Assoc.Prof. Sanyarova N.S.)