Aitkazina Mira
Associate Professor, candidate of historical sciences
Email: m.аytkazina@alt.edu.kz
Professional biography
From 1994 to the present, he has been working at ALiT (KazATK named after M.Tynyshpaeva). During this period, she held the positions of assistant, teacher, senior lecturer, assistant professor, associate professor.
Almaty State University named after Abai, specialty – “History and Soviet Law”;PhD in History Science,Assistant professor- 07.00.02 – in History 2010.
07.00.02 – in History 1998
1. Военное наследие ветеранов Великой отечественной войны-Электронный журнал e-history – АН РК. Алматы, 2020 г.;
2. Бауыржан Момышулының әскери-педагогикалық мурасы ВЕСТНИК Серия «Исторические и социально-политические науки», №3(66), 2020.-С.474-478;
3.Мультикультурализм ұғымының қалыптасу тарихы ВЕСТНИК Серия «Исторические и социально-политические науки», №2(69), 2021.- С.84-91.;
4. Palarch’s Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt/Egyptology 17(8), 332-345. ISSN 1567-214.-Main problems, organization and analysis of statistical researches of Kazakh childbirth and tribes. https://archives.palarch.nl/index.php/jae/article/view/3253