Академия логистики и транспорта
Шугаева Балгын Сламкуловна

Shugayeva Balgyn Slamkulovna

Senior lecturer, Master of Social Sciences

Email: b.shugayeva@alt.edu.kz

Brief (professional biography)

2008-2014, KazATK named after M Tynyshpayev (ALT) teacher
2014-2022 KazNMU named after S.D Asfendiyarov
2024 KazATK named after M Tynyshpayev (ALT). Senior lecturer


2003 -2008 KazNPU named after Abai, Faculty of International Relations. Specialty – political science;
2014-2016 Regional social and innovative university. Master of Social Sciences with a major in Political Science

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