Baubekov Ermek Eltaevich
Associate Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, docent
Email: e.baubekov@alt.edu.kz
Professional biography
1982- present AADI, KazATK, ALiT, from assistant to professor ALiT
Moscow Automobile and Road Institute, 1982 Automobiles and automotive industry, Candidate of Technical Sciences 1991, Doctor of Technical Sciences 2010
1)industrial transport of Kazakhstan, No. 1 (62), Almaty-2019, – P. – 72-76
2) Journal “industrial transport of Kazakhstan”, Almaty, KuPS, 2019. – No. 4, pp. 28-32
3) Journal “industrial transport of Kazakhstan”, Almaty, KuPS, 2019. – No. 4, pp. 161-165
4) on the issue of modeling the calculation of the average concentration of road selections from motor vehicles , Journal “industrial transport of Kazakhstan”, Almaty, KuPS, 2020. – No. 1. p. 150-155.
5) determination of the composition and number of road transport options in the atmosphere of large cities, magazine “industrial transport of Kazakhstan”, Almaty, KuPS, 2020. – No. 1. p. 24-29.
6) factors affecting the start-up time of the braking system of vehicles, Bulletin of Kazatk named after M. Tynyshpayeva, No. 1 (112), 2020, STR. 172-178
7) analysis of decisions in road traffic accident investigation, Bulletin of Kazatk named after M. Tynyshpayeva, No. 1 (112), 2020, STR. 138-143.
8)comparative analysis of the method of examination of road accidents of Motor Vehicles, Journal “Trudi University”, Karaganda, Kargtu, 2020. – №1 (78), STR. 119-122.
9)analysis of accidents of Motor Vehicles Of The Republic of Kazakhstan, Journal “Trudi University”, Karaganda, Kargtu, 2020. – №1 (78), STR. 116-118.
10) increasing the operational efficiency of traction rolling stock, monograph. – Almaty: “Kazatk im.M. Tynyshpayeva”, 2020. – 94 P.