Bimagambetova Lalita Nurmanovna
Assistant professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences
Email: l.bimagambetova@alt.edu.kz
Professional biography
1.September 2002- February 2003 – assistant of the department “BDIE”, KazATK named after M. Tynyshpaev,
2. February 2003 – June 2003 – Engineer of the “BTIOS” department of K. Satpayev KazNTU
3. June 2003 – August 2004 – ecologist, “Ak Zhaiyk” LLP
4. September 2004 – January 2019 – teacher, acting associate professor of the faculty. “BDIE” KazATK named after M. Tynyshpaev
5. September 2020-August 2021 – lecturer of the faculty. “ATC and BZHD” ALiT”
1996-2000 – Kazakh State National Al Farabi University, Faculty of Biology, Bachelor’s degree, specialization Ecology;
2000-2002 – Kazakh National Al-Farabi University, university -wide Master’s degree, specialization Ecology.
1.The ecological state of Uuscheleayusai BULLETIN OF KAZGAS No. 1 (79) 2021, pp. 317-325
2. “Factors determining the intensity of dust emission during loading and unloading operations” BULLETIN OF THE AUES №1(1) 44(1), 2018, pp.48-52.