Esengaliev Manarber Nurasbekovich
Associate Professor, k.t.n., docent
Email: m.esengaliev@alt.edu.kz
Professional biography
Inderborskoe ATP, worker, 1988-1989
1995-2021 Almaty Automobile and Road Institute, Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications
named after M. Tynyshpaev, assistant lecturer, acting associate professor, associate Professor, Assoc.professor
since January 2021, Academy of Logistics and Transport, Professor ALT
Almaty Automobile and Road Institute, Automobiles and automotive industry, mechanical engineer
Ph.D. in spec.05.05.04-“Road, construction and lifting and transport machines”, associate professor of the Higher Attestation Commission in spec.05.22.00-“Transport”
Participation in scientific projects
Sphere of scientific interests: Improving the design and maintenance and repair of cars 1. The contractor of research for financing JSC “National Company “Kazakhstan Temir Zholy” on the topic: “Standards for the number of workers for the repair and maintenance of machines, mechanisms and equipment in rail-welding trains of railway transport organizations”, currently valid standard of JSC “NC” “KTZ”, 2014
1. Methodology for calculating loading, fastening and transportation of technical means of recovery trains of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Certificate No. 282 on state registration of rights to the copyright object from February 17, 2016goda (IP 000850), (Kulgildinova M. S., M. F. Akhmetov, etc.)
2.Article Zhusupov K. A., Kozbagarov R. A.,Esengaliev M. N. Inertial rotary excavation mashinalari negg crecer Tadao Bulletin KazNTU them.To.And.Satpayev, No. 2, 2016, Almaty, Pp. 283-288
3.Article, Zhusupov K.A., Kozbagarov R.A.,Esengaliev M.N. Bulldozerdin zhumysshy zhabdygymen ar turli sanattagi topyrakty kazu urdisine kesu buryshynyn aseri, Bulletin of KazNITU named after K.I.Satpayev, No.3, 2019, Almaty, pp.146-151
4.Article, Zhusupov K.A., Kozbagarov R.A., Esengaliev M.N. Prospects for the creation of excavator-transport machines with an inertial rotor of the lower unloading, Journal Actualscience of the scientific and publishing center “Relevance.RF”, vol.2 No.3, 2016, Penza, pp.57-59
5.Article, Zhusupov K.A.,Esengaliev M.N., Kopenov B.T. Study of dynamic loads of working equipment of boom excavators with an inertial rotor, Special anniversary issue “Bulletin of KazATK im.M.Tynyshpaeva”, dedicated. 140th anniversary of M.Tynyshpaeva, 2019, Almaty, volume 1, pp.190-197