Академия логистики и транспорта
Копенов Бахтияр Темербекович

Kopenov Bahtiar Temerbekovich

Associate Professor, k.t.n., docent

Email: b.kopenov@alt.edu.kz

Professional biography

2002-2003 – Assistant
2003-2009 – Senior lecturer
2009-2019 – Associate Professor
2019-present- Professor ALT


1) 1993, AlIIT, 1504-PTSDMIO

Participation in scientific projects

1)Driving through most of the automobiles in Kazakhstan
Движение большегрузных автомобилей по дорогам Казахстана, Evropean Conference on Innovations in Technical and Natural Sciences
15 – th International scientific conference
20 July 2017
2)Problems of the ecological condition of Almaty citi and prospects of using alternative fuel, Advances of science.
Proceedings of articles the IV international scientific conference Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary –Russia,Moscou, March, 29-30, 2018


1)KazATK Bulletin No. 4 (99), 2016, pp.69-74
2)KazATK Bulletin (Special Issue) Volume 1, 2019, pp.168-174
3)KazATK Bulletin (Special Issue) Volume 1, 2019, pp.175-180
4)KazATK Bulletin (Special Issue) Volume 1, 2019, pp.191-196
5) Bulletin of KazATK, No. 2(113), 2020 – From 207-211
6)Bulletin of KazATK, No. 2(113), 2020 – From 207-211″

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