Kozbagarov Rustem Ashimovich
Associate Professor, k.t.n., docent
Email: r.kozbagarov@alt.edu.kz
Professional biography
From 1999-2015 he held the positions of associate professor of the Department, Deputy head of the Department “Cars, Road Equipment and Standardization”, Deputy Dean of the Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M. Tynyshpayev.
In 2015-2020 he worked at the Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev. During his time at the university, he held the positions of associate professor, associate professor, assistant professor and senior lecturer.
From 2020-2021 He held the positions of head of the Department “Cars, Road Equipment and Standardization” of the Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M. Tynyshpaev and currently works as a professor of the AL and T Department “Motor Vehicle and Life Safety” of the Academy of Logistics and Transport.
Higher education: 1993 graduation from the Almaty Institute of Railway Transport Engineers, specialty “Lifting, construction, road machinery and equipment”, qualification “mechanical engineer”; Candidate of Technical Sciences: 1998, 05.05.04 – “Road, construction and lifting machinery”; Associate Professor: 2007, 05.22.00 – “Transport, mining and construction engineering”
Participation in scientific projects
Research interests: Improving the working bodies of track and road construction machines. 1. Research contractor for financing of JSC “National Company “Kazakhstan Temir Zholy”” on the topic: “Standards for the number of workers for the repair and maintenance of machines, mechanisms and equipment in rail-welding trains of railway transport organizations”, currently valid standard of JSC “NC” “KTZ”, 2014
2. The contractor of the research project No. 757.MON.GF 15.RIPR.42 on the topic: “Development of a tubular belt conveyor for the transportation of environmentally harmful goods”, 2017″
1. Kozbagarov R.A. Zhussupov K.A., Kaliyev E.B., Yessengaliyev M.N., Kochetkov A.V., Kamzanov N.C. Development of control suspension of attachment of a bulldozer. News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. Volume 4, Number 442 (2020), 166-174, https://doi.org/10.32014/2020.2518-170X.97.
2. Kozbagarov R.A., Tagap M.V., Zhussupov K.A., Kanazhanov A.E., Kamzanov N.C., Kochetkov A.V. Increasing the efficiency of motor graders work on the basis of working elements perfection. News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. Volume 1, Number 445 (2021), 98 – 105, https://doi.org/10.32014/2021.2518-170X.14.
3. Kozbagarov R.A., Kamzanov N.S., Akhmetova Sh.D., Zhussupov K.A., Dainova Zh.Kh. Improving the methods of milling gauge on highways. News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. Volume 3, Number 447 (2021), 87-93, https://doi.org/10.32014/2021.2518-170X.14.
4.Kozbagarov R. A., Arystay G. M. tendentiousness of the development of excavators ‘ working bodies for the development of the village soil environment. International scientific journal” Science and the world”, No. 2 (42), 2017, Volgograd,pp. 23-25, ISSN 2308-4804.
5. Kozbagarov R. A., Kamzanov N. S., Tursynbekov A. E. design of the scissor system and methods of soil development. Kaznitu Bulletin No. 2 (126), 2018, Almaty, pp. 156-160, ISSN – 1680 – 9211.
6.Kozbagarov R. A., Zhunisbek B. D. analysis of road mills for repair of road surfaces with alternating stiffness. Kaznitnik No. 3 (127), 2018, Almaty, pp. 309-315, ISSN – 1680 – 9211.
7.Kozbagarov R. A., Dauletkulova A. U. information about the parameters of the bulldozer with adaptive suspension of the main equipment. Monograph, Almaty”Balausa”, 2019, 192 P. ISBN – 978-601-7977-12-2.
8. Kozbagarov R. A., Zhumanov M. A., Kaliev E. B. interaction of the working body of the bulldozer with the liquid supply of the loaded core. Kaznitnik No. 4 (134), 2019, Almaty, pp. 286-290, ISSN – 1680 – 9211.
9.Kozbagarov R. A., Zhienkozhaev M. S. The relationship of driving speed in the relationship between viscous materials and the shovel of a bulldozer. Bulletin of kaznrtu No. 3 (133), 2019, Almaty, pp. 197-202, ISSN – 1680 – 9211.
10. Baimakhanov G. A., Kaliev E. B., Kozbagarov R. A. redundancy of system reliability, its types and justification. Kazkahabarshy No. 3 (113), 2020. pp. 115-122. ISBN 1609-1817.