Toilibaev Asilbek Ermahanovich
Associate Professor, k.t.n., docent
Email: a.toilybaev@alt.edu.kz
Professional biography
1980-81g.-PATP, 1st category turner 1981-84g. SA service – Kabul driver
1984-85g. PATP, 3rd category turner
1985-86g. MADI podgotov. department
1986-91g.MADI 1st year full-time department
1991-96g. AADI senior lecturer 1996-2020. Kazatu Department of ATS associate professor
2020-21 to the present ALT, kaf.”AS and BZHD”Professor ALT
1991, MADI, AAH, Candidate of Technical Sciences,-2009, “PSDMAMITT”, associate professor 2011, transport
1)KazATK Bulletin No. 4 (99), 2016, pp.85-91
2)KazATK Bulletin No. 3 (Special issue) Volume 1, 2019, pp.113-122
3)KazATK Bulletin No. 5 (Special issue) Volume 1, 2019, p.610
5 KazATK Bulletin No. 4 (103), 2017 p.122-129
6)KazATK Bulletin No. 4 (103), 2017 pp.90-97 7)KazATK Bulletin No. 4 (103), 2017 pp.249-257 8)Bulletin of KazATK No. 4 (109), 2019 p.136-145