Академия логистики и транспорта
Абдирайымова Ардак Серикбаевна

Ashirbaeyev Galymzhan Kozhakhatovich

Acting Head of the Department of “Rolling Stock”, Associate professor, candidate of Technical sciences, docent

Email: g.ashirbaev@alt.edu.kz


Professional biography

Acting Head of the Department of “Magistral Engineering” Ashirbayev Galymzhan Kozhakhatovich, born on October 27, 1968.
Since July 1994, he has been working at the ALIT-KazATC named after M. Tynyshpayev-Academy of Logistics and Transport, starting as an assistant, senior lecturer, associate professor, associate professor of the department. He was Dean of the Faculty of General Education, Vice-Rector for Social and Educational Work, Director of the Institute of Automation and Telecommunications.
Candidate of Technical Sciences, specialty 250036 “Geoecology”, Associate Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission, specialty “Transport”.
The total work experience is 34 years, including 27 years of work experience in KazATC-ALiT.
The general list of scientific papers and methodological manuals for the period of work is more than 60 titles, 4 textbooks and 3 patents.


1994-AlIIT, 2007-Candidate of Technical Sciences, specialty 250036 “Geoecology”, 2012 – Associate Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission, specialty”Transport”.

Participation in scientific projects

He was the head of the temporary labor collective for the implementation of contractual scientific and technical expertise “TE-33A diesel locomotive” and “TEM7 diesel locomotive”. As a member of the creative team, he performed research and contract work concluded between KazATC im.Tynyshpaeva and JSC ” NC “KTZ”, and others.
From 2015-2019-Director of the training center “Energy Saving and Dissemination of Knowledge”, where he is currently a teacher of retraining and advanced training courses.
The main research areas are: – Improving the energy and environmental performance of power installations of transport equipment; Energy saving and improving the energy efficiency of infrastructure energy facilities, transport and communication complex.


1. Ashirbaev G. K., Elshibekov A.M., Makhanova A. K. [In Russian]. Қазақстанның электровоз парктерінің жағдайы және жаңа KZ сериялы электровоздардың пайдалану сенімділігіне талдау жүргізу. KazATC Bulletin, No. 2 (113), Almaty, KazATC, 2020. – pp. 88-94
2.Абдуллаев С.С., Аширбаев Г.К., Бақыт Ғ.Б., Аширбаева И.А. Сейдеметова Ж.С. Determination of the technical condition of axle boxes during unscheduled and scheduled inspections. KazATC Bulletin, No. 4 (115), Almaty, KazATC, 2020. – pp. 69-76
3. Musabekov M. O., Ashirbaev G. K., Bakyt G. B., Elshibekov A.M. Electric locomotive with a storage device for using regenerative energy. Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for utility model No. 4645. 29.01.2020. RSE “National Institute of Intellectual Property”
4. Musabekov M. O., Ashirbaev G. K., Bakyt G. B., Elshibekov A.M. An electric train with a storage device for using regenerative energy. Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for utility model No. 4682. 12.02.2020. RSE “National Institute of Intellectual Property”

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