Академия логистики и транспорта
Абдирайымова Ардак Серикбаевна

Chigambayev Temirbay Otarbayevich

Associate professor, candidate of Technical sciences

Email: t.chigambayev@alt.edu.kz

Professional biography

from 09.2021 – until now.Vremya Director of the Transport Engineering Institute of the Academy of Logistics and Transport;
from 02.09.2019-09.2021 Head of the Department “Electronics and Robotics” of NAO “Almaty University of Energy and Communications”;
from 2019 to present-member of the Dissertation Council for the defense of dissertations for the award of a PhD degree in the specialty 6D071300 – “Transport, transport equipment and technologies” of KazATC;
from 11.12.2018 to 02.09.2019 – Acting Head of the Department “Electronics and Robotics” of NAO “Almaty University of Energy and Communications”;
From 01.2017-10.12.2018-Associate Professor of the Department of Electronics and Robotics at Almaty University of Energy and Communications. Taught disciplines – “Expert systems in power engineering”, “Expert systems in robotics”, “Reliability assessment of devices and systems”, “Robotic systems and complexes”, etc.
from 02.2016-12.2016-Associate Professor of the Department “Rolling Stock” of the Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M. I. Abramovich.Tynyshpaeva. Subjects taught – “Theory of automatic control of diesel locomotives”, “Reliability and technical diagnostics of locomotives”, “Heat engineering”, “Electric power transmission of diesel locomotives”, “Locomotive power plants and auxiliary systems”, etc.
from 01.09.2014-02.2016-Head of the Department of “Rolling Stock” of the Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M. A. Abramovich.Tynyshpaeva;
From 01.02.2014-31.08.2014-Head of the Department “Locomotives” of the Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M. A. Shavkat Mirziyoyev.Tynyshpaeva.”;
01.07.2013-31.01.2014-Deputy Chairman of the Technical Committee for Standardization of TC No. 40 “Railway transport”.
2011 – present-member of the working group “Rolling stock” in the INTERSTATE COMMITTEE FOR STANDARDIZATION No. 524 ” RAILWAY TRANSPORT “(IPC Sub-committee No. 14 “Terminology”);
2009-31. 06. 2013-Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M. A. Abramovich.Tynyshpaeva-Associate Professor of the Department “Locomotives”.
2007-2009-electronics engineer of the 13th category of the Department of Service and Repair of Information Technology Management of the Moscow State University of Railways (MIIT).
2006-2009-full-time postgraduate study at the Moscow State University of Railways (MIIT);
2004-2006-Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M. A. Abramovich.Tynyshpaeva-teacher of the Department “Locomotives” and a category I specialist in maintenance of the universal train operator’s training complex (UTKM);
2003-2004-Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M. A. Shishkin.Tynyshpaeva is an assistant at the Locomotives Department.


* academic degree-Candidate of Technical Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan (recertification 2009);
* academic degree-Candidate of Technical Sciences of the Russian Federation (dissertation on the topic: “Optimal distribution of repairs of TR-3 (TO-8) VL80S electric locomotives between base depots on the railway of the Republic of Kazakhstan”), 2009 •
* second higher education, Moscow State University of Railways (MIIT). Qualification – Higher school teacher;
* higher education, graduated in 2003 from the Faculty of “Transport Engineering” of the Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications.Tynyshpaeva (Department of Rolling Stock, 97 Shevchenko St.). Qualification-Mechanical engineer, specialty-Mainline diesel locomotives.

Participation in scientific projects

Area of research interests:
* improving the organization of operation and repair of traction rolling stock using modern technologies;
* simulation modeling of the operation and repair of traction rolling stock in order to optimize the parameters of technological processes;
* automation of production processes;
* mechatronic and robotic systems.
• work on calculating the consumption rates of raw materials, spare parts, equipment, fuel, and energy for the repair of rolling stock (2008-2009) • * development and implementation of training computer programs for railway transport (2010-2012);
• development of interstate standards in the field of rolling stock (2016);
* development of 13 national standards in the field of road transport (2017).

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