Kibitova Rita Kurimbaevna
Assistant Professor, candidate of Technical Sciences
Professional biography
From 2006 to 2014 worked as an associate professor of KazATC at the department “Wagons”, taught classes in the disciplines “Wagons and containers”, “Diagnostics of transport equipment”, “Dynamics of cars”, “Electrical equipment of cars”, “Air conditioning in cars”, Design and calculation rolling stock.
From September 2014 to 2018 worked as the head of the educational and methodological department of the UMU KazATC. In 2019, she worked as a chief expert at the Center for Postgraduate Education and Professional Development of KazATC. From the 2019-2020 academic year to the present day I am an assistant professor at the department of “Magistral Engineering”
1998 – KazATC, 2010 – Candidate of Technical Sciences, specialty 05.22.07 – Rolling stock, train traction and electrification
Participation in scientific projects
Accepted as a performer in research work:
– Contract No. 472 / U / YuO dated October 29, 2015, between JSC “KazATC im. M. Tynyshpaev “and JSC” AVZ “and JSC” Yrysty-AEVRZ “, the subject of which is the development of NTD:
1) Guidelines for depot repair (DR) and overhaul (KR-1) of passenger cars produced by PJSC” Kryukov Carriage Works “, JSC “Tver Carriage Works”;
2) Guidelines for depot repair (DR) and overhaul (KR-1) of 25G model cars made in China;
3) “Manual for the maintenance of Talgo wagons”.
1. Хоппер вагондарының негізгі парматерлерін оңтайландыру мәселесін қарастыру. Вестник КазАТК (Спец.выпуск) Том 1, 2019, с.138-144
2. Қаттылығы жоғары вагон дөңгелектерінің сапасын бақылау. Вестник КазАТК (Спец.выпуск) Том 1, 2019, с.154-162.
3. ДЭЕМ арқылы дөңгелек жұбы қозғалысының математикалық үлгілерін зерттеу, Вестник КазАТК, №4, 2019, с.46-56
4. К вопросу экономической эффективности энергосберегающих систем освещения в пассажирских вагонах. Промышленный транспорт Казахстана, 2020. – №1 (63). – С. 58 – 63.
5. Шапшаң вагондардың тік динамикасы мәселе туралы. Промышленный транспорт Казахстана, 2020. – №2 (67). – с. 75 – 80.