Solonenko Vladimir Gelievich
Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission, specialty “Transport”
Professional biography
1980-1984, KazPromNIIproekt, engineer;
1984-2020, KazATC named after M.Tynyshpaeva, Head of the Laboratory, MNS, SNS, assistant, senior lecturer, Associate Professor, Head of the Department, Professor;
2021-present, ALiT, Professor.
In 1980, he graduated from ALIIT with a degree in “Car Building and carriage Economy”; Doctor of Technical Sciences, 30.09.2004, with a degree in” Railway track, survey and design of Railways”; Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission: 21.04.2006, with a degree in”Transport”.
Participation in scientific projects
Interaction of rolling stock and track, dynamics of rail transport; Participated as a performer in the project “Scientific justification of the use of special technologies for the construction of metro station tunnels in ordinary and earthquake-prone areas of Kazakhstan”, from 2012 to 2014 – customer of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, venue Almaty, IMMASH of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Intellectual potential of the country, sub-priority: Fundamental research in the field of natural Sciences.
1. Modeling of dynamic characteristics of freight car withoptimized parameters of wedge-type shock absorber. Journal of Vibroengineering JVE, 2017, Volume 19, Issue 2, рages 1197-1213 ISSN 1392-8716 DOI
(ISI Thomson Reuters Impact Factor 0,384).
2. The calculation of free oscillations of an anisotropic three-dimensional array of underground structures. News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences, ISSN 2224-5278, volume 2, Number 422 (2017), pages 175-184. 10.32014/2019.2518-170X.19 SCOPUS, ISI Clarivate Analytics indexing.
3. Some aspects of the experimental assessment of dynamic behavior of the railway track. Journal of theoretical and applied mechanics Volume 55, Issue 2, pages 421-432, Warsaw 2017, DOI: 10.15632/jtam-pl.55.2.421 jtam/issue/current/showToc (ISI Thomson Reuters Impact Factor 0,679).
4. Determination of rail voltages after impact of mobile composition. News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences, ISSN 2224-5278, volume 5, Number 425 (2017), pages 262-269.
5. The method of limiting speed when passing turnouts of railway vehicles with bogies of model zk1. News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences, ISSN 2224-5278, volume 1, Number 433 (2019), pages 151-162.
6. Stresses in elements of metal railway bridges under the action of the crew. News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences, ISSN 2224-5278, volume 2, Number 434 (2019), pages 159-165.
7. Influence of appendix point load training on magnitude of side power. News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences, ISSN 2224-5278, volume 2, Number 440 (2020), pages 148-155.
8. Modeling the influence of the article device on dynamic indicators of freight wagons. News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences, ISSN 2224-5278, volume 5, Number 443 (2020), pages 181-187.
9. Study of stability of a tank-container with a filled liquid at longitudinal oscillations. News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences, ISSN 2224-5278, volume 6, Number 444 (2020), pages 228-235.
10. Application of linear asynchronous motors for high-speed ground transport. News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences, ISSN 2224-5278, volume 2, Number 446 (2021), pages 31-36.