Академия логистики и транспорта
Джайлаубеков Еркин Альмагамбетович

Dzhaylaubekov Erkin Almagambetovich

Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher of the Higher Attestation Commission of the USSR.

Email: e.jailaubekov@alt.edu.kz


Professional biography

1967-1982, KazNIPIAT, Head of Department, 2082-1993, ARO-1 JSC Chief Engineer, 1993-2004, First Vice-president of Zheldirme JSC, 2004-2021, Professor, KazATC,


1966. Gorky Polytechnic Institute, mechanical engineer, automobile transport, 1973, Moscow Automobile Road Institute, postgraduate course, Candidate of Engineering.PhD, Heat engines, 1978, Senior Researcher of the Higher Attestation Commission,

Participation in scientific projects

Research area – energy and environmental problems of transport. Participated in 18 research projects. Supervised 12 scientific and technical topics.
Participated in international projects: national expert in the UNDP GEF project “Sustainable Transport of Almaty” and transport consultant in the ADB RETA 8119 project “Economics of Climate Change in Central and West Asia”.
Research project “Development of scientifically based recommendations for improving the determination of permissible parameters of load on the axle of motor vehicles on the roads of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, 2012, scientific supervisor.
Research project “Setting environmental quality targets for the city of Almaty”. 2017, participant.
Research project “Monitoring the achievement of environmental quality targets in Almaty”, 2020, participant.


The most significant works.
1. Calculation and analysis of emissions of harmful pollutants by motor vehicles into the atmospheric air in the Republic of Kazakhstan (monograph). Almaty, KazATC Publ., 2010-158 p.
2. Yerkin A. Jailaubekov, Galym Dzh. Berkinbaev, Natalya A. Yakovleva, Valeria S. Kosach.
Monitoring of Air Pollutant Emissions from Motor Vehicles in Almaty City International. Review of Mechanical Engineering (I.RE.M.E.), Vol. 15, N. 6, June 2021, рр 301-306 https://www.praiseworthyprize.org/jsm/index.php?journal=ireme&page=article&op=view&path%5B%5D=26020
3. Method and computer program for calculating emissions of harmful pollutants from motor vehicles. Certificate of registration in the State Register of rights to objects protected by copyright No. 11651 dated 17.08.2020.
4. Ecology and reduction of road transport emissions into the atmosphere in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Federal Journal of the Russian Federation ” Protection of atmospheric air. Atmosphere”, No. 1, 2012, St. Petersburg, pp. 27-32
5. Fuel-energy resources and greenhouse gas emissions of motor transport in Kazakhstan. KazATC Bulletin. Almaty, 2012, No. 1 (74), pp. 124-129
6. Electric vehicles are the future of urban transport. Development prospects. KazATC Bulletin. – Almaty, 2014. – №2(90), – P.
52-58. 7. Environmental assessment of the effectiveness of the application of European standards for harmful emissions of motor transport in Kazakhstan. Transport of the Russian Federation Magazine, St. Petersburg, No. 5 (18), 2008, pp. 32-35
8. Introduction of standards for emissions of harmful substances from motor transport in Kazakhstan. Bulletin of the National Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, No. 1 (31), 2009, pp. 104-109.

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