Академия логистики и транспорта
Құлманов Қалижан Серікұлы

Kulmanov Khalizhan Serikovich

Head of the department, Candidate of Technical Sciences

Email: k.kulmanov@alt.edu.kz

Brief (professional biography)

Kulmanov Kalizhan Serikovich – was born in 1968 on January 5 in the village of Bakyrly, Suzaksky district of South Kazakhstan region. After graduating from secondary school No. 12 named after I.V. Panfilov, he served in the ranks of the SA.
In 1989, he entered the Almaty General Technical Faculty of the Ust-Kamenogorsk Road Construction Institute in Almaty. In 1994 he graduated from the Almaty Automobile and Road Institute with a degree in “Construction of highways and airfields”. By the decision of the Scientific Council of AADI Kulmanov K.S. was left as a trainee teacher at the department of “Highways”.
From 1994 to 2008 Kulmanov K.S. worked as a trainee teacher, assistant, senior lecturer, associate professor, head of the department “Construction of transport structures” Kaz ATK named after M. Tynyshpaev. In 2000, he defended his PhD thesis on the topic “The stress-deformed state of non-rigid road clothes with the impact of a moving car”.
Under the guidance of K.S. Kulmanov, more than 170 graduates of AADI and Kaz ATK named after M. defended diploma projects and works in the specialty “Construction of highways and airfields” and in the specialty “Construction”.Tynyshpaeva.
Kulmanov K.S. wrote and published textbooks on the disciplines of “Design of automobile roads”, “Quality control of road construction works”, “Gaz-munai kubyrlary”, “Zholdaryn zhabdyktau Automobile”, etc.
2008-2010 General Director of Civil engineering LLP and participated in the construction of the international corridor “Western Europe- Western China” at sites in the Aktobe region.
2010-2013 Associate Professor of the Faculty of General Construction of KAZGAS, specialty “Transport construction”.
In April 2013, he was appointed Senior Researcher of the Department of Diagnostics and Design, Highways of the Kazakhstan Road Research Institute (KazdorNII JSC). Since July 2013, Head of the Department of Diagnostics and Design of Highways of KazdorNII JSC, from January 2014 to August 2016 he was Director of the Department of Highways and Bridge Structures of KazdorNII JSC
Since August 2016, he has been a senior researcher at the Department of Diagnostics and Design, Highways of the Kazakhstan Road Research Institute (KazdorNII JSC).
Since 01.09.2023, she has been the head of the Department of “Construction Engineering” of the Academy of Logistics and Transport.
Honorary Road Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


Almaty Automobile and Road Institute, 1994 Civil engineer Candidate of Technical Sciences.


One way to explain the process of filling asphalt concrete.

Determination of the temperature regime of asphalt concrete roads of the Almaty pre-storm zone.

Dynamic and deformed structure of poor road conditions.

A Multi-Line Road Transport structure with the participation of Dina-Miki driving cars is built.

Designing automobile roads with Transport and air-climatic facilitiestorov.

For the development of character traits.

The program and the method – a special approach to the implementation of mandatory practice (specification 4310 – “construction of Road Roads and airfields”).

Methodological advice on improving the quality of construction of a projected Road area

Automated auto projection-educational and methodological materials for remote education of students of the 5th year of the training form for the specialty 4310-“construction of Road Roads and airfields”.

On the effectiveness of supporting cement concrete slabs on the road surface

Training manual “Highway design”

Training manual”gas oil pipelines”

About road requirements

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