Sansyzbayev Kazybek
Assistant Professor, candidate of technical sciences
Email: k.sansyzbayev@alt.edu.kz
Brief (professional biography)
01.09.2008 to 06/28/2024 Kazakh National Agrarian University (KazNAU).
01.09.2010 to 06/28/2024Kazakh National Agrarian University (KazNAU). Associate Professor, St.Rev. Department of “Mechanics and design of agricultural machinery (MCSHT)”.
from 04.01.2023 the department was renamed “Agricultural machinery and technology and mechanical Engineering (ATTiMI) KazNAIU
01.09.2010 – 08/31/2011Kazakh National Agrarian University. Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology (ITF) of KazNAU.
01.09.2009 – 08/31/2010Kazakh National Agrarian University (KazNAU). Head of the Department “Standardization, Metrology and Certification (SMS)” KazNAU.”
01.09.2005 to 08/31/2008 Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communication named after M. Tynyshpaev (KazATK named after M. Tynyshpaev). Associate Professor at the Department of Standardization, Metrology and Certification (SMS).
01.03.2005- 08/31/2005 T. Ryskulov Kazakh University of Economics
(KazEU named after T. Ryskulov).
Associate Professor of the Department of Valuation and Commodity Science.
01.09. 2004 – 02.28.2005 Kazakh –British Technical University (KBTU) – Almaty.
Tutor of the Engineering and Physics Department of KBTU.
01.09.2001 – 08/31/2004 M. H. Dulati Taraz State University (M. H. Dulati TarSU).
Head of the Department “Standardization and Ecology of Technological Processes (SETP)” 09/01/1999 – 08/31
Kazakh state university the name of S.М. Kirov
1. “New Results of an Analytical Study of Self – Aligning Articulated Hinge-Lever Pendulum Mechanisms”. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review, 126(1)(2023), page197-203.
2. “Optimization of the technological process of threshing combine harvester”. Eastern-Euraopean Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4/1(124)2023., paeg 104-117., ISSN1729-3774,
3. Patent #8757 RK (29.09.2023.)
4. Materials of the International Conference “Scientific research of the SCO countries: synergy and integration” – Reports in English. Part 2. – Beijing, China, page 199-207., December 12, 2018.
5. MATERIALS OF THE XXI INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH AND PRACTICE CONFERENCE European Science and Technology – Munich, Germany, page 41-54., October 24th – 25th, 2018.
6. Moscow: Publishing House “Pluto”, 05/21/2018, XXV International Scientific Conference. Technocongress, http://t-nauka.ru /
DECEMBER 13-16, 2017, BOROVETS, BULGARIA, pp. 122-125.