EP name 7M07143 – Management of technological complexes
Description Training of qualified personnel with professional competencies for the management of technological complexes, which take into account the increasing requirements for the quality of specialists in the field of automation and telemechanics systems in transport.

The Department of Automation and Management of the Academy of Logistics and Transport trains specialists in the field of signaling, centralization and blocking, which are in demand not only in the field of railway automation and telemechanics, but also in the subway.

The best practical teachers of the department are ready to give a huge amount of knowledge and experience in the field of signaling, centralization and blocking:

Vedernikov B.M. – Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor, has more than 40 years of experience in the field of railway automation and telemechanics.

Shultz V.A. is an associate professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences, has more than 30 years of work experience in the field of railway automation and telemechanics.

Suleimenova G.A. – Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor, has more than 20 years of teaching experience.

Sansyzbai K.M. is an assistant professor, PhD, has more than 10 years of teaching experience.

Shalabaev B.R. – assistant professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences, has more than 5 years of teaching experience.

Learning outcomes:

– solve the problems of analyzing technical data, indicators and results of work on improving the technological processes of operation, maintenance and repair of relay, relay-processor and microprocessor systems of railway automation and telemechanics;

– analyze the possibilities of solving problems to improve the operational reliability of microelectronic systems, rationing and proving the safety of relay, relay-processor and microprocessor automation and telemechanics systems using statistical information;

– to evaluate the results of the synthesis of logical control systems, design of digital control of technological objects, methods of converting digital and analog signals, programming of microprocessor control systems and control of technological processes;

– calculate methods for designing and operating uninterruptible power supply systems for automatic devices of relay, microelectronic and microprocessor systems of automation and telemechanics and their protection from external influences;

– design any types of electrical circuits and software components with the definition of parameters of electrical and dispatching centralization systems, automatic locking on a microelectronic and microprocessor element base;

The head of the site for the maintenance of alarm, centralization and blocking devices; the head of the sorting hill; the senior dispatcher; the head of the site for the maintenance of KTSM devices; the head of the repair and technological section; the engineer; the senior electrician of the SCB; the electrician of the SCB; the electrician of the SCB.

The department, within the framework of academic mobility and the program of double-degree education, as well as scientific internship of students, closely cooperates:

– Omsk State University of Railway Transport (OmGUPS), Russian Federation, Omsk;

– Ural State University of Railway Transport (USUPS), Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg;

– Technical University of Varna, Bulgaria, Varna

– Siberian State University of Railway Transport (SSUPS), Russian Federation, Novosibirsk;

– Riga Technical University, Latvia, Riga;

– Lublin Technical University, Poland, Lublin.

The Department of “Automation and Management” closely cooperates with such companies as JSC “National Company “Kazakhstan Temir Zholy”, JSC “Plant named after S. M. Kirov”, JSC “Transtelecom”, LLP “Kazcentrelektroprovod”, LLP ” JV “KazElektroPrivod”, LLP “Zholarna”, LLP “Saiman Corporation”, etc.

Students undergo all types of professional practices on the basis of leading companies in Kazakhstan. The advantages of internships are that nonresident students can take internships at their place of residence, for example, at regional signaling and communication distances (SHH). In addition, places are allocated annually for paid practices.

– Маршрутизация и коммутация CCNA: Введение в сети;

– Маршрутизация и коммутация CCNA: Основы маршрутизации и коммутации;

– Робототехника и мехатроника.

S. Sambetov-Honorary railway worker;

K. Alpysbayev-Chairman of the Management Board of Kazpost JSC;

S. Ibraimbayev-Chief Engineer of the CZHS of JSC ” NC “KTZ”;

D. Toibayev-Director of the Central Laboratory of reliability of automation, telemechanics of communication;

Abdrakhmanov A. K.-Director of the Department of Automation, Telemechanics and Telecommunications of JSC ” NC “KTZ”;

Amrinov A. E.-Chief Manager of the functional direction for railway automation and telemechanics;

Kuanshbayev M. N.-Director of the Almaty distance of signaling and communication (SHCH-33);

Kalakbasov B. A.-Director of the Sary-Shagan signaling and communication distance (SHCH-34);

Kuttugulov K. I.-Deputy Head of the Central Laboratory of Automation, Telemechanics and Communications of the joint-stock company “National Company” Kazakhstan Temir Zholy ” for the Almaty region

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