Department “FOUNDATION”

Department History

The Foundation Department was created in 2021 on June 1.

The Foundation program prepares students to solve academic, scientific and language problems that they face while studying at the bachelor’s degree programs at the Academy of Logistics and Transport (hereinafter ALT).

The objectives of the Foundation Program are:

  • language courses (smooth transition of students to an English-speaking learning environment);
  • introducing students to the concept of academic integrity (cheating, plagiarism), developing learning skills (taking notes, quoting), time management, self-learning skills;
  • a more informed choice of future specialties.

The goal is to develop students ‘ academic, research and practical skills, critical thinking skills, conceptual methods, as well as knowledge of academic English and teaching skills necessary for successful training in bachelor’s degree programs at the Academy.

Areas of training:

  1. Language courses
  2. Engineering plus Natural Sciences

Foundation programs»


The Foundation_1 program
For foreign listeners

The Foundation_2 program
For students of the 1st year

The Foundation_3 program
For conditionally enrolled students who have not passed the UNT

Language courses (Kazakh and Russian)

Language courses (English, Chinese, optional)

Language courses (Kazakh and Russian)

Disciplines of natural sciences (mathematics, physics)

Engineering and Natural Sciences (Mathematics, Physics, ICT)

Engineering and Natural Sciences (Mathematics, Physics, IR, Geography)

Academic semester: September-June

Academic semester: September-June

Academic semester: September-June


Teachers of the Foundation courses

Абдрахманова Гулинур Махмутовна

Abdrakhmanova Gulnur Makhmutova

Teacher of the English language course

Master of Humanities

Аугамбаева Нургуль Мәдениетқызы

Augambayeva Nurgul Madenietovna

English language course teacher

Master of Pedagogical Sciences (two foreign languages)

Асет Алия Асетқызы

Aset Alia Asetovna

Teacher of the English language course

Master of Humanities


Convenient schedule


Highly qualified teachers of the Academy


All courses with native speakers are free for ALT students


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