Name of the educational program

7M11352 – Organization of transportation, traffic and operation of transport


Training of qualified and competitive specialists who possess theoretical and practical skills necessary for the implementation of professional activities in the field of organization and management of operational activities of freight and passenger transportation

The Department Transport Services and Business of the Academy of Logistics and Transport trains specialists in the field of organization and management of the transportation process in transport

The staff of the department is staffed by teachers with experience in production activities:

Bekzhanova S.E. – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, author of more than 100 works on optimization and improvement of the transportation process, has more than 40 years of production and teaching experience.

Abibullaev S.Sh. – Assistant Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate Professor, has more than 40 years of experience in the field of transportation process management in road transport.

Aikumbekov M.N. – Associate Professor of the Academy of Logistics and Transport, Candidate of Technical Sciences, has more than 15 years of production and teaching experience.

Mataev M.K. – is an assistant teacher, engineer for the organization of transportation on railway transport, has more than 30 years of work experience in the field of organization and management of the transportation process on railway transport.

Learning outcomes:

– Analyze regulatory and technical documentation and specialized literature in the state and foreign languages.

– Apply knowledge of social and ethical values, the role of spiritual processes in society, interpersonal and legal interests of the parties, protection of rights in the exercise of professional activity.

– Demonstrate knowledge of the basic laws of mathematics in solving transport problems and the use of information and communication technologies to optimize the transportation process.

– Apply modern methods and knowledge to ensure life safety, labor protection and environmental protection in the implementation of professional activity

– Carry out technical and economic analysis of activity of the enterprises of the transport complex to justify, make management decisions and evaluate the results

– Solve problems in the design of optimal schemes of cargo delivery and passenger technological process of work of objects of transport, taking into account the needs of the industry

– To analyze the methods of management and organization of the operational work of the trunk network, technologies for optimizing the movement of car traffic at railway stations and junctions

– To solve the problems of operation and maintenance of rolling stock, automation of technological processes of transport infrastructure facilities and rational use of the material and technical base

– To make decisions on the organization and management of cargo and commercial work in transport, taking into account modern technical and technological processes in the logistics chain of cargo delivery

– Demonstrate knowledge on the development of technological processes of designed and reconstructed transport devices and structures, solving design problems, technical equipment, throughput and processing capacity of stations and nodes

– Use algorithms of actions related to traffic safety and operation of transport in various situations

train speed controller, operator of the station technological center, duty of the centralization post, duty at the railway station, train receiver, cargo and baggage receiver, freight cashier, station attendant, ticket cashier, head of passenger train, passenger car conductor, train compiler, slide operator, train dispatcher, head of technical control department, engineer for operation and repair of vehicles

The department, within the framework of academic mobility and the program of double-degree education, as well as scientific internship of students, closely cooperates:

– Dresden Technical University, Germany;

– Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (MIIT), Russian Federation, Moscow;

– Omsk State University of Railway Transport (OmGUPS), Russian Federation, Omsk;

– Ural State University of Railway Transport (UrGUPS), Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg;

– Technical University of Varna, Bulgaria, Varna

– Siberian State University of Railway Transport (SGUPS), Russian Federation, Novosibirsk;

– Riga Technical University, Latvia, Riga;

– Lublin Technical University, Poland, Lublin.

The department closely cooperates with such companies as – АО «Национальная компания «Қазақстан темір жолы», АО «КазАвтоЖол», ТОО «ТрансКом», АО «ҚазТемірТранс», ТОО «СМЭУ-Алматы», КГП “Метрополитен” и др.

All types of internships and internships are held on the basis of the leading transport companies of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Таласбеков К.С. – Honorary Railway Worker;

Альмагамбетов К.Е. – First Deputy Chairman of the Management Board АО «НК «КТЖ»;

Урынбасаров Б.П. – Managing Director for Infrastructure, Branch Director АО «НК «КТЖ» – «Дирекция магистральной сети»;

Шипулин Н.П. – Chief Engineer of the Central Directorate of Traffic Management – Branch of JSC “Russian Railways”;

Назарбеков Е.К. – Исполнительный директор по доступу на МЖС филиала АО «НК «КТЖ» – «Дирекция магистральной сети»;

Жуматаев Ж.Т. – Главный ревизор ТОО «КТЖ-Грузовые перевозки»;

Бекжанов Д.З. – Генеральный директор ТОО «Теміртұлпар»;

Кашаганов Е.Т. – Заместитель председателя правления по перевозочной деятельности ТОО “ТрансКом”;

Бородина Е.В. – к.т.н., доцент кафедры «Управление эксплуатационной работой» – МИИТ

Богданович С.В. – к.т.н., доцент кафедры «Управление эксплуатационной работой» – СГУПС

Шарубеков М.Н. – к.т.н., Заместитель директора по эксплуатационной работе Алматинского филиала АО «Қазтеміртранс»

Карсыбаев Е.Е. – д.т.н., профессор Академия гражданской авиации

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