Name of the EP 6B11330 – Transport logistics
Description Training of competitive specialists in the field of logistics process management, who are able to apply innovative methods for solving modern and promising problems of logistics, transportation and supply chain management.

The Department of Transport Services and Business of the Mukhamedzhan Tynyshpayev ALT University prepares specialists who are in demand in all areas of the transport and logistics complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The best teaching practitioners of the department are ready to provide a huge amount of knowledge and experience in the field of logistics:

Musalieva R.D. — Head of the Department of TU&B at ALT University, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, work experience over 20 years

Izteleuova M.S. – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, has more than 40 years of experience in the field of transport logistics, business process reengineering, freight forwarding.

Musabaev B.K. – Professor at ALT University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, has more than 30 years of experience in organizing freight transportation and commercial activities in railway transport.

Karsybaev E.E. – Professor at ALT University, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, has more than 20 years of work experience in the field of transport services and warehouse logistics.

As well as social partners of the department, providing a practice base.

Learning outcomes:

  • apply regulatory and technical documentation and specialized literature in the state and foreign languages in the transport and logistics industry;
  • to use the basics of social and ethical values and spiritual processes, interpersonal and legal interests of the parties, rights in the implementation of professional activities;
  • demonstrate knowledge of the basic laws of mathematics in solving transport problems and be able to apply information and communication technologies in logistics;
  • apply knowledge on ensuring life safety, ecology and labor protection in the implementation of professional activities;
  • conduct a technical and economic analysis of the activities of transport enterprises in order to justify the management decisions made;
  • to organize the rational interaction of modes of transport, the work of transport complexes of cities and regions during transportation;
  • to develop optimal schemes of passenger transportation and cargo delivery in order to ensure the quality of transportation in the market of transport and logistics services;
  • systematize the documents regulating the interaction of participants in the transport process in the implementation of controlling logistics systems in compliance with the norms of business communication;
  • Design logistics transport and cargo systems and flow processes with optimization of the parameters of warehouse equipment by type of cargo;
  • to organize and manage material and related flows in the field of transport services, taking into account logistics costs;
  • manage transport processes for the delivery of foreign trade goods in the context of the globalization of logistics systems in compliance with regulatory and legal acts;
  • design logistics systems and transport and logistics infrastructure facilities to optimize technical and technological processes in the supply chain.

Logistics Manager, Specialist in multimodal transportation, Engineer for the organization of cargo transportation in the supply chain, Production Logistics Manager, Head of Transport service, Leading specialist in supply planning and procurement, Specialist in supply planning and procurement, Warehouse Manager, Storekeeper, Postal communication Logistician, Road Transport Manager, Specialist in customs clearance of goods, Rail transport fare collector, Rail freight forwarder.

The department, within the framework of academic mobility and the program of double-degree education, as well as scientific internship of students, closely cooperates:

– Omsk State University of Railway Transport (OmGUPS), Russian Federation, Omsk;

– Ural State University of Railway Transport (USUPS), Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg;

– Technical University of Varna, Bulgaria, Varna

– Siberian State University of Railway Transport (SSUPS), Russian Federation, Novosibirsk;

– Riga Technical University, Latvia, Riga;

– Lublin Technical University, Poland, Lublin. – Tashkent State Transport University, Tashkent.

The Department of Transport Services and Business cooperates with such companies as JSC “National Company” Kazakhstan Temir Zholy”, Association of national freight forwarders of the Republic of Kazakhstan, industrial and logistics center” DAMU – LOGICTICS”, LLP” STLC” (Shyngar Trans Logistics Company)”, LLP” Atasu”, LLP” transit Kazakhstan”, LLP” ZINURTRADE ” and others.

Students undergo all types of practical training on the basis of leading transport, logistics and forwarding companies in Kazakhstan and the CIS.

Potlova Zh. D. – Manager of the Sales and Transportation Coordination Department of Kaz-Rail Logistics LLP;

Wilhelm N. A.-Head of the Transport Logistics Department Pony Express LLP;

Kostyrya N. I.-Head of the Transport and Service Department of “Shate-M Plus” LLP.

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