6B07138 Mechanical engineering

Name of the EP



Training of qualified and competitive specialists possessing theoretical and practical skills necessary for professional activity on the basis of advanced technologies of design, production, operation, maintenance and repair of machine-building equipment.

The educational programme 6B07138-MECHANICAL ENGINEERING trains in-demand specialists for railway transport, applied research works are carried out.

To carry out educational activities there are:

– highly qualified teaching staff (5 holders of the title “The best teacher of the university”, many teachers are awarded with other state awards);

– close connection with the production (practical training at the enterprises of the industry, availability of branches of the department at the production facilities);

– well-developed laboratory and technical base.

– Evaluate socio-ethical norms and the role of spiritual processes in modern society, interpersonal and legal interests of the parties in carrying out professional activities.

– Interpret processes and models of machine-building objects on the basis of knowledge of natural science disciplines.

– To formulate arguments and solve problems of the studied area, using professional vocabulary and basic grammar in oral and written forms in the state and foreign languages.

– Integrate the achievements of modern computing, software and IT-technology in all spheres of activity of the engineering industry.

– To develop a set of measures to ensure life safety, environmental protection and labour protection, based on the analysis of harmful and hazardous factors at machine-building enterprises.

– To make managerial decisions of organisational and economic nature on the basis of analysis of demand and supply, dynamics of the conjuncture of machine-building products.

– Solve technical problems of strength, reliability and stability on the basis of theorems of principles and methods of engineering disciplines.

– Analyse the practical application of electrical equipment and electronics at machine-building enterprises on the basis of analysis of promising technologies.

– To estimate reliability indicators of parts and units of rolling stock with the use of modern methods and means of diagnostics on the basis of normative and technical documentation and technical standards.

Graduates of the Mechanical Engineering programme can work in positions of management, administrative and technical staff of design, engineering, technological, research and survey organisations, machine-building enterprises of any profile; mechanical and repair-mechanical plants, machine-building departments of city and regional levels as director, technical director, head of shop, deputy chief technologist for the direction, head of production, chief technologist or

In order to train highly qualified specialists, in accordance with the requirements of higher education, it is necessary today to have a powerful laboratory base. The Department cooperates with the Moscow Technical University of Communications and Information (MTUCI) and the Moscow State University of Railway Transport (MIIT), now RUT (MIIT), Technical University of Varna (Poland) within the framework of academic mobility and double-degree education programme

Department of “Motor vehicles and life safety” safely co-operates with such companies as: “AZTM” “ALPROF”, “Belkamit”, “Steelmaster”, “NAC “Kazatomprom”, “Imstalkon”, “Kazzinc”, “Kentau Transformer Plant”, “Machine Building Plant named after S.M. Kirov”, “Almaty Fan Plant” and others. Branch of NC KTZh JSC “Design and Experimental Centre”.

Bachelors undergo all types of internships in the leading companies of Kazakhstan – AZTM JSC, Almaty Elektroshchit LLP, S.M. Kirov Machine Building Plant LLP, Almaty Fan Plant LLP. The advantages of internships are that non-resident students can take internships at their place of residence throughout Kazakhstan, where there are branches of these companies.

Machine Tool Repairman, CNC Machine Operator.

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