Seminar on the topic “Internal and external industrial transport logistics, yesterday, today, tomorrow”, “Methods for improving the efficiency of using freight cars in modern market conditions” will be held in the conference hall (2702) of the Academy of Logistics and Transport on the 14th of April 2022 at 15.30. Speaker – President of ALE “Partnership for Transport and Logistics in Central Asia” Association Bulekbayev Berik Raimbekovich.  

The following issues will be considered:

Topic-1: “Internal and external industrial transport logistics, yesterday, today, tomorrow”

1) Fundamentals of industrial transport logistics, design and survey activities, logistical and Educational infrastructure support:

-a brief history of industrial railway transport;
-production logistics, general characteristics of production.

2) General analysis of modern industrial logistics problems and bottlenecks of production processes of transport support of an industrial enterprise:

– path and track facilities;
– warehouse management, the role and place of warehouses in the logistics system, classification and functions of warehouses;
– loading and unloading machines and mechanisms, stationary and moving transport devices;
-rolling stock.

3) Prospects for the development of the functional and organizational structure of industrial transport logistics in the new conditions of a plurality of private cargo carriers on a single infrastructure:

-technological processes;
– practical examples of engineering and technological solutions to improve the efficiency of train operation;
– possible functions of management and coordination of the transportation process;

4) Examples of rational organization of the production process of the transport complex of an industrial enterprise:

– main production process;
– auxiliary production process;
– maintenance of the production process.

5) Organization of the transportation process of the transport complex of an industrial enterprise:

– the main issues of cargo transportation on the access roads of industrial enterprises;
– selection of rolling stock, loading and placement of cargo in the car, sealing, registration of transportation documents and payment for transportation;
– technical, technological and commercial documentation regulating the operation of the access road of an industrial enterprise:

  1. technical passport of the access road;
  2. instructions on the order of maintenance of the driveway;
  3. contract for the supply and cleaning of wagons on the access road;
  4. Unified technological process of the access road and the junction station (UTP).

6) Technology of interaction of the access road and the junction station:

– information about the arrival of cargo, acceptance operations; delivery and cleaning of wagons, shunting operations;
– formation and disbandment of trains;
– cargo and commercial operations.

7) Logistics outsourcing of industrial logistics management of the enterprise.

8) Optimization and development of internal and external logistics of railway transport.

9) International experience of de-monopolization, privatization and liberalization of railways.


Topic-2: “Methods of increasing the efficiency of the use of freight cars in modern market conditions”

1) Analysis of the current situation in the railway industry of Kazakhstan and the Russian market of freight car operators;

2) Review and analysis of the car building and rolling stock repair market;

3) The efficiency of the development of route transportation, “solid threads of the schedule”;

4) The nature of the occurrence of a shortage and surplus of wagons;

5) World experience of efficient use of rolling stock.

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