Student time is the best and unforgettable!


Student life is full of bright moments. Student life is a time of making new acquaintances; it is at the academy that you can meet many interesting and educated people; some find love and best friends at this time. Student time is the best time, a person learns about life, makes many interesting connections and acquaintances, masters a profession and acquires the skills necessary for work and communication. Ordinary students turn out to be specialists who know their business. Joyful and playful, filled with knowledge and new acquaintances, student life has always been considered the best time in the life of any person. The student years are certainly a good chance to see the world, discover new horizons, and visit other countries thanks to the available student exchange programs. There are always plenty of opportunities to show off at the academy. A large number of clubs and interest groups will allow you to choose a hobby for everyone. Four years of study, living in a dormitory, a busy academic life and endless communication. And the best thing about student life is that it awaits almost everyone! Regardless of who and what says about this wonderful time, everyone’s student life will be special. With all the joys, sorrows, successes, ups and downs. Unique and unforgettable. Undoubtedly, this time will leave a deep imprint on the heart, so it is worth taking from student time everything that it can give. The beauty of real student life is that it happens only once, and after that only bright memories remain.

Department of Educational and Social Work

House of Students

ALT Museum

Health Center


Процедура рассмотрения жалоб

Грант Президента-Ректора АО «АЛиТ»

Студенческая кафетерия

Student cafeteria

Приемная комиссия