Institute of “Energy and Digital Technologies”

Director of the Institute "Energy and Digital Technologies"

Toigozhinova Ainur, PhD

Office. № 2302
Phone. +7 707 888 1931
You can also contact the directorate through the virtual reception


By choosing the path to higher education, you choose a competitive advantage for your future, which awaits you after graduating from our institute! Starting from the 1st year, diligently, conscientiously and purposefully studying at the Institute’s educational programs in the field of energy, automation, cybersecurity, IT technology and telecommunications, you will be able to become in-demand and competitive specialists for the economy of our country, steadily pursue your career growth and aim yourself at gaining new knowledge and experience in the course of your life! You will have opportunities to continue your education in the master’s and doctoral PhD programs both at our University and at the best higher educational institutions in Russia, Europe and the world, including through the academic mobility program, which really functions for our students and undergraduates. Our students and undergraduates themselves will tell you about the comfortable conditions of their life and leisure. Welcome to our institute and our University!

The history of the Institute

The Institute has been functioning as an independent institution since 1990. Over the years, the deans of the Institute were: Baykenov B.S., Logachev V.G., Kadyrbekov S.O., Imandosova M.B., Ivanov A.A., Bakhtiyarova E.A., Ashirbayev G.K. The Institute “Energy and Digital Technologies” trains specialists with higher technical education in the field of electric power, IT technology, automation, telemechanics and communications with a specialized focus for the transport industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The Institute cooperates with major Russian and foreign universities such as Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (MIIT), Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics (MTUCI), Omsk State University of Railway Engineering (OmGUPS) and Technical University of Varna, etc. The teaching staff includes 5 doctors of sciences, professors and 32 candidates of sciences.and PhD doctors, associate professors. The students of the Institute are holders of State and Nominal scholarships established by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and JSC NC KTZ.

The structure of the Institute includes 3 graduate departments:

– Department of Automation and Control;
– Department of Information and Communication Technologies;
– Department of “Energy”.

The educational programs of the departments have licenses in the field of educational activities for all 3 levels of specialist training: bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral studies.

Institute contacts

Institute: Energy and Digital Technologies

Address: 97 Shevchenko st., Masanchi corner
Contact information: 3th floor, room 2302
Phone: +7 707 888 1931


Director of the Institute "Energy and Digital Technologies"

Toigozhinova Ainur, PhD

Office. № 2302
Reception time: on weekdays from 14: 00 to 17: 30 hours

Deputy Director for Academic and Methodological Work

Nurlanbek Aigerim Dildabekovna, master’s degree

Contact information: office. No. 2302

Reception time: on weekdays from 14:00 to 17:30 hours

Найман Даулетхан

Deputy Director for Educational Work

Naiman Dauletkhan

Contact information: office. No. 2302

Reception time: on weekdays from 14:00 to 17:30 hours

Оразымбетова Айгуль Каныбековна

Head of the Department of “Information and Communication Technologies”

Kasymova Dinara Tugelbekovna, PhD,
Assistant professor

Contact information: office. No. 2309
Reception time: on weekdays from 14: 00 to 17: 30 hours

Егзекова Анара Тлюлесовна

Head of the Department "Energy"

Egzekova Anara Tlyulesovna, candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor

Contact information: office. No. 2304
Reception time: on weekdays from 14: 00 to 17: 30 hours

Сансызбай Қанибек Мұратбекұлы

Head of the Department of “Аutomation and control”

Suleimenova Gulfariza, Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences Cand. Sc. (Technology), docent

Contact information: office. No. 2310
Reception time: on weekdays from 14: 00 to 17: 30 hours

Departments of the Institute of Energy and Digital Technologies

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