Department of “Power Engineering”

Head of the Department "Energy"
Egzekova Anara Tlyulesovna, candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor
Contact information: office No. 2304
tel. 10-43
Department History
The history of the department dates back to 1987. In accordance with the order of the Rector of AlIIT, the department was called “Electric Traction”, then the creation of the department “Power Supply” was due to the need for railway transport specialists serving enterprises for the production, transmission, distribution and consumption of electricity. Thus , in 1990 , it was divided into two departments: “Electric locomotives and electric trains” and “Power Supply of railways” — the heads of associate professors M. K. Shalabaev and V. A. An. respectively.
In 1996, on the basis of ALIIT and the Highway Institute, the Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications was established and a new department “Power Supply and Electrification” was created. Ershov A.Yu. was appointed to the post of head of the department by order. After the joint department “Power Supply and Electrification” was created, which was headed by Ph.D., Associate Professor Kangozhin B.R.
In June 2004 by order of the President-Rector of KazATK named after M.Tynyshpaeva Department of “Power Supply and electrification” was renamed to the Department of “Electric Power Engineering”.
Heads of the department in the period from 1996 to 2022.
From 1997 to 2002, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Kangozhin Bekmukhambet Rashidovich.
From 2002 to 2003, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Sokolov Sergey Evgenievich.
In 2003-2005, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Zharmagambetova Meruert Sovetovna,
In 2005-2008, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Koishiev Temirkhan Kosybaevich.
From 2008 to 2014, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Zharmagambetova Meruert Sovetovna.
From 2014 to 2019, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Anara Tlyulesovna Egzekova.
From 2019 to 2020, Candidate of Technical Sciences of the Russian Federation, PhD, Associate Professor Kaliev Zhanybek Zhanatuly.
From 2020 to 2022, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor ALT Kalieva Kazima Zhanbyrbayevna.
From September 2022 to the present, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor, Egzekova Anara Tlyulesovna.
The last renaming of the department took place at the beginning of the 2020-2021 academic year, in connection with the optimization of the departments of the Academy, the physics cycle was attached to the Department of “Electric Power Engineering” and renamed the Department of “Power Engineering”.
At various times, the department included leading specialists in the field of power supply of railway transport: Doctor of Technical Sciences, professors: Ibraev A.K., Turgambayev N.R., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Solyannikov A.M., Sokolov S.E., Koishiev T.K., Kangozhin B.R., associate professors Kazanina I.V., Efimova O.N., Uteshkalieva L.Sh., Kalieva K.Zh., Yerkeldesova G.T, teachers Stepanova N.G., Rakhmatullina A.Z., Galiev K.U., Mikhalkova E.G., Dautov S.S., Akhmettaev D.D., Chirikov D.K., Sultanbaev U.U., Prozorov G.G., Nurshalova D.E., Kilibayev I.K., Zimina E.A., Arshabekova A.T., Sadybekova G.G., Oralbekova A.O., Imanbayeva A., Raiymbekova D., Otarbai I., Askanbai G., Zhetpisbayeva G.
In the history of the development of scientific and pedagogical priorities of the department staff, the following periods can be distinguished:
In 2008, a license for educational activities for a master’s degree in the specialty 050718 “Electric Power Engineering” was obtained and in 2009, the first admission of undergraduates in the number of 6 people who are graduates of the bachelor’s degree was carried out. Since 2009 to the present, more than 60 people have completed their master’s degree.
In 2010, the department received a license to study for a doctoral degree in the specialty “Electric Power Engineering”.
In 2022, admission was carried out under the new Educational programs 6B07188 “IT- energy” and 6B07189 “Urban electric Transport”.
The ALT has a dissertation council for the defense of doctoral dissertations.
In addition, thanks to close cooperation with Russian educational institutions of railway transport in Russia, young specialists of the department have been sent to graduate school in different years. Teachers have been sent to the Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (MIIT): Insepov D.G., Zhumatova A.A.,
Shabdanov D.T., Kaliev Zh.Zh. As a result of which in 2010 Zhumatova A.A., and in 2011 Kaliev Zh.Zh. successfully defended their PhD thesis and received the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences of the Russian Federation.
In 2016, young teachers of the department Utepbergenova S.M., Yerkebaev A.Zh. were enrolled in a full-time postgraduate course, in the direction of 23.06.01 Engineering and technology of land transport in the specialty “Rolling stock of railways, train traction and electrification” of Omsk State University of Railways (OmGUPS). At the end of the postgraduate course, S.M. Utepbergenova was awarded the qualification “Researcher. Teacher – researcher”.
On December 22, 2020, she successfully defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences of the Russian Federation on the topic “Improving the efficiency of using electric locomotives during long-term operation in heavy traffic conditions”.
Currently, the teaching staff of the department continues to work, performing research and contractual work on the main scientific areas of the department. In addition, scientific articles are published annually in international journals, conference collections, and professional development courses are held in a timely manner.
The department closely cooperates with production, so a branch of the department operates on the basis of the Almaty power Supply distance of JSC NC KTZ. The branch of the department implements elements of dual education in the core disciplines for students of 3,4 courses. Students of the 1st and 2nd courses take study tours.
Teaching staff

Egzekova Anara Tlyulesovna
Head of the Department "Energy"
Assistant Professor, PhD

Kangozhin Bekmukhambet
Doctor of Technical Sciences

Ongar Bulbul
Associate Professor

Abdrakhmanov Yerkesh Abdrakhmanovich
Associate Professor
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of AUES

Matayev Umerbek Matayevich
Associate Professor
Candidate of Technical Sciences, docent

Kaliyev Zhanibek Zhanatuly
Assistant professor
Doctor of PhD

Sapakov Askar Zamanbekovich
Assistant professor
Candidate of Technical Sciences

Utepbergenova Sandugash Myrzabekovna
Assistant professor
Candidate of Technical Sciences of the Russian Federation

Koishibayeva Kulanda Zhumakhanovna
Senior lecturer
Master of Technical Sciences

Sakitzhanov Markhabat
Senior lecturer
Master of technical and technology

Smagulova Guldana Kashkinbaevna
Senior lecturer
Master of Nuclear Physics

Sultanbaev Ulykbek Nurseitovich
Senior lecturer
Master of Engineering Sciences

Yesengabylova Nurgalipa Zhanserkenovna
Senior lecturer
Master of Science in Natural Sciences

Abdreshova Gulmira
Senior lecturer
Master of Technical Sciences

Karassayeva Assel Rakhmetullakyzy
Senior lecturer
Master of Technical Sciences

Kalimbetov Galim Primzhanovich
Senior lecturer
Master of technical sciences

Serikkaliyev Zhumazhan Sainuly
Senior lecturer
Master of technical sciences

Ualieva Zhansulu Talgatovna
Teaching assistant
Master of Technical Sciences in Electrical Power Engineering

Seitbek Yerlan Yerzhanuly
Teaching assistant
Master of Technical Sciences
Contacts of the Department
Department: Electric Power Engineering
Address: 97 Shevchenko street, Masanchi street corner
Contact information: room 2304
Phone: 10-43
Educational program
Bachelor’s degree
Master’s degree
Educational scientific laboratories
Audience number |
Name of the audience |
5401 |
Laboratory «Transients in the electric power industry» |
5402 |
Laboratory «Electrotechnical Materials Science» |
5403 |
Laboratory «Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Saving» |
5404 |
Laboratory «Information and Measurement Technology» |
5405 |
Laboratory «Electrical Engineering and Fundamentals of Electronics» |
5408 |
Laboratory «Relay Protection and Automation» |
5410 |
Laboratory «Theoretical Foundations of Electrical Engineering» |
5413 |
Laboratory «Electronic Equipment and Converters» |
In accordance with the requirements of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Improvement» (with amendments and additions as of 15.01.2019), the Training Center for Energy Saving and Knowledge Dissemination (TCEKD) was established to provide services for retraining and advanced training of personnel engaged in energy audit and (or) energy saving expertise, as well as the creation, implementation and organization of an energy management system, in order to comply with the norms of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan On Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Improvement of 13.01.2012. The Training Center operates on the basis of the Order of the Minister for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 31, 2015 N. 388.
The training center is accredited by the Committee for Industrial Development and Industrial Safety. The training is conducted in strict accordance with the Standard Programs approved by the Order of the Minister for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 31, 2015 N. 404.
The activities of TCEKD are carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of education.
The purpose of TCEKD is to improve the skills/retraining of specialists in the field of energy saving, energy efficiency improvement and energy inspection of enterprises and organizations.
The main tasks of TCEKD in the field of energy saving and energy efficiency improvement are: development of training programs, educational and methodological materials, participation in the organization and holding of conferences, seminars, and educational activities.
Energy audit is a type of activity aimed at reducing the use of fuel and energy resources (fuel and energy resources) by business entities, which consists in conducting energy technology and technical and economic expertise, keeping records of fuel and energy resources, as well as in the development and justification of energy-saving measures.
The main objectives of the energy audit are to assess the efficiency of the use of energy resources by railway transport enterprises and to reduce the costs of consumers for energy supply, reduce the energy intensity of production, preserve natural non-renewable resources, and prevent negative impacts on humans and environmental risk.
In Kazakhstan, energy saving and improving the energy efficiency of all sectors of the economy is currently a priority.
The Head of State N. Nazarbayev set tasks for the implementation of the Strategy-2050 and stressed the importance of taking a number of measures to develop the energy infrastructure.
The Strategy-2050 and other strategic program documents set ambitious goals: The Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 30, 2011 No. 1404 approved the «Comprehensive Plan for improving Energy Efficiency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2012-2015». This is a kind of set of incentive measures through Laws, regulations and regulations.”
The last important factor is the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 30, 2013 No. 577-The Concept for the transition of the Republic of Kazakhstan to a «green economy».
Chapter 4 of the Concept deals with the issues of staffing for the transition to a «green economy».
For the successful implementation of the Concept, it is necessary to ensure sufficient human resources, skills and knowledge, including the training of engineering, technical and managerial personnel who have received appropriate training.
As noted earlier, in accordance with the Law on Energy Saving, a training center was opened, where it provides educational services in the following areas.
- Professional development of personnel engaged in energy audit and (or) energy saving expertise, as well as the creation, implementation and organization of an energy management system. The number of hours is 120. Duration – 1 month.
- Retraining of personnel engaged in energy audits and (or) energy efficiency expertise, as well as the creation, implementation and organization of an energy management system. The number of hours is 250. Duration-1.5 months.
In addition, on the basis of the training center, advanced training courses are held in the following areas:
– «Energy audit»,
– «Energy expertise»,
– «Energy management»,
– «Current issues of energy saving and energy efficiency improvement»,
– «Improving energy efficiency and resource saving at enterprises».
Organization of the educational process in the workplace
To consolidate theoretical and practical skills among students of OP-6B07121-Electrical Power Engineering in major disciplines, a branch of the Department of “Energy” has been created and is functioning on the basis of the enterprise of the branch of JSC NC KTZ of the Almaty Electricity Distance. On the basis of this branch, practical classes are conducted in real production conditions, as well as educational excursions for junior students.
1) List of organizations where department branches are open
The Almaty power supply distance has been closely cooperating and participating in the organization of the educational process for more than 20 years. Students have the opportunity to undergo industrial and pre-graduation internships at traction substations (TS), in overhead network areas (EC), power supply areas (ES), and repair and inspection area (RRU).
2) List of disciplines offered for dual training by semester
In order to introduce elements of dual education on the basis of the Almaty power supply distance, practical classes are conducted in the following major disciplines in the 2023-2024 academic year:
№ |
Name of the discipline |
The duration of the period |
Course |
Venue |
1 |
Tractionand transformer substations |
1 semester |
10-14 week |
4 |
Branch of NC KTZ JSC Almaty power supply distance, (TP) Traction substation “Medeu” |
2 |
Contact networks and power lines |
1 semester |
10-14 week |
3 |
Branch of NC KTZ JSC Almaty power supply distance, ECHK (contact network area) |
3 |
Power supply for electrified roads |
2semester |
10-14 week |
3 |
Branch of NC KTZ JSC Almaty power supply distance, ECHK (contact network area) |
4 |
Electrical materials science |
2semester |
10-14 week |
3 |
Branch of NC KTZ JSC Almaty power supply distance, RRU (repair and inspection area) |
3) List of industrial teachers who teach dual training classes
Practical classes in these core disciplines are conducted by production specialists:
- Mamyrbekov N.M., head of the Almaty power supply district;
- Zhanseitov T.K., leading engineer for labor protection and safety of the Almaty power supply distance;
- Alimov M.T., head of the contact network district (ECN) of the Almaty power supply distance;
- Kayrollin A.T., head of the Medeu traction substation (TP) of the Almaty power supply distance
4) List of Top Managers
Top managers of NC KTZ JSC, leading specialists of the Almaty Electricity Supply Distance, Alatau Zharyk Company JSC and other energy enterprises give guest and leadership lectures for our students, and are also involved as managers and reviewers of theses.
The table shows the Top Managers participating in guest and leadership lectures in the 2023-2024 academic year.
№ |
Date |
Lecture topic |
Full name of the lecturer |
Organization, position held |
I – S E M E S T R |
1 |
November 2023 |
The role of energy in the development of the national economy |
Suleimenova Duria Toleugalymovna |
JSC “Alatau Zharyk Companyasi”, Head of the budget department of the US |
2 |
December 2023 |
The prestige of the railway worker’s profession” |
Akhmetbekov Rysbek Kasymbekovich |
Department of Electrification and Energy of the branch of JSC “NC “KTZ” – “Directorate of the backbone network”, Director |
3 |
December 2023 |
Energy management and energy efficiency (subject adjustment is possible) |
Janataev Danat Janataevich |
AGPRON RK Parasat, Chairman |
4 |
December 2023 |
Testing of power transformers |
Akhmetov Bauyrzhan Abdrakhmanovich |
Branch of JSC NC KTZ Almaty Power Supply Distance (EC-19), Chief Engineer |
II – S E M E S T R |
1 |
February, 2024 |
Problems of improving the operation of the Junction Junction on electrified roads |
Beisembayev Ernur |
Branch of JSC NC KTZ Astana Power Supply Distance (EC-8) |
2 |
March 2024 |
Development of the power supply economy of JSC NC KTZ (subject adjustment is possible) |
Aliyev Murat Zhusupovich |
Department of Electrification and Energy of the branch of JSC NC KTZ “Directorate of the Backbone Network”, Chief manager of the functional area of production and technology |
5) Practice bases
After completing the training course, it is compulsory to undergo an internship in production. The practice fits into the general concept of training, consolidating the knowledge acquired during the study of the theoretical course, and contributes to the painless adaptation of the future EP specialist to the conditions of the upcoming work.
The table shows the database of practices for the Department of Energy.
№ |
Name of organization |
1 |
Branch of KEGOC JSC, Almaty MES, Almaty |
2 |
Saiman Corporation, Almaty |
3 |
Project EnS LLP, Almaty |
4 |
“ABM-Building 2007” LLP, Almaty |
5 |
JSC “Alatau Zharyk Kompaniyasy, RES Otegen Batyr”, pos. Otegen batyr |
6 |
ElMekhServis LLP, Almaty |
7 |
Geo Projects Stroy LLP, Almaty |
8 |
Kazakhtelecom JSC, Almaty |
9 |
Aurora holding, Almaty |
10 |
ZHERSU LLP, Almaty |
11 |
Branch of JSC NC KTZ Shelekskaya power supply distance, Almaty region |
12 |
Zi-Dan LLP, Almaty |
13 |
Branch of JSC “NC “KTZ” Astana power Supply distance, Astana |
14 |
JSC “AREK”, Astana |
15 |
“Digital PROgress” ZHSHS, Astana K. |
16 |
Bazis-A Construction LLP “Stroy Group Engineering “, Astana |
17 |
Kazakhtelecom JSC, Zhezkazgan |
18 |
Branch of JSC NC KTZ Sary-Shagan power supply distance, Saryshagan village |
19 |
Vagonservice JSC, Aktobe branch (LVCHDR-5), Aktobe |
20 |
Kazakhstan Petrochemical Industries Inc. KPI. LLP, Atyrau |
21 |
Energopotok LLP, Shymkent |
22 |
AIS Kerneu LLP, Almaty |
23 |
Branch of Kazteleradio JSC “Almaty Regional Directorate of Radio and Television Broadcasting”, Almaty |
24 |
Taldykorgan Transport and Electric Grid Company JSC, Taldykorgan |
25 |
Alakolsky RES, TATEK JSC, Usharal |
26 |
Zhelaevsky bakery plant, Uralsk |
27 |
West Kazakhstan Electric Grid Distribution Company LLP, Uralsk |
28 |
Branch of JSC NC KTZ Kazalinskaya power supply distance, Kazaly |
29 |
“Shieli Zharysy” LLP, P. Zhalagash |
30 |
Ard Pro LLP, Almaty |
31 |
Zhannur-Service and K LLP, Astana |
32 |
Avalon Group Plus LLP, Atyrau |