Institute of “Transport and construction”

Абдрешов Шамиль Аскарович

Director of the Institute "Transport and construction"

Abdreshov Shamil Askarovich, PhD

4-storied,  office  No. 2420
Phone: 8 (727) 292-17-34, (#. 10-15).
You can also contact the directorate through the virtual reception

Dear current and future students, master’s students of the institute!!!

No state in the world did and will not do without developed transport equipment. The role of transport in the life of the planet, the state is really important, since only movement leads to progress. The transport university and the transport industry cannot develop effectively without mutual integration and close cooperation.

The objects of professional activity of our graduates are: life safety and environmental protection, production, operation, maintenance and repair of locomotives, wagons, cars, road equipment, construction of railways and roads, gas and oil storage facilities and gas and oil pipelines, bridges, tunnels and metro, architecture, cadastre and urban planning.

Graduate departments have their branches in transport enterprises, where students acquire practical skills and skills. All graduates are distributed at the enterprise of the transport and communication complex. The staff of the Transport Engineering Institute constantly monitors the fate and professional growth of its graduates. Cultural and sports life is actively developing. Our students have repeatedly become winners of scientific and sports competitions and competitions.

As a student of the Transport Engineering Institute, you are laying a solid foundation for your successful future!

Institute history

The Faculty of Transport Technology was created in 2004 by order of the President-Rector of KazATC No. 318 of 28.08.04 on the basis of three abolished institutes of the Academy: the Institute of Railway Transport, Road and Water Transport, and Correspondence Education.

Since 2021, the Faculty of Transport Engineering and Construction has been renamed the Institute of Transport Engineering.

In different years since the founding of AlIIT, the faculty was called “Mechanical,” “Electromechanical,” “Electrotechnical,” “Rolling stock,” “Transport equipment,” “Transport equipment and construction,” which were led by c.t.s., associate professor Basalaev V.D., Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor Chernyakov A.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Mikhalin E.P., Doctor of Engineering, Professor A.S. Sabetov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor B.M. Kuanyshev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor K.S. Kaspakbaev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Baubekov E.E., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor Gabdullin MD, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Baubekov E.E., c.t.s., Associate Professor Pya DR, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor S.S. Abdullaev, Ph.D. Associate Professor N.R. Dzhakupov, c.t.s., professor A.K. Ibraimov, D.t.s., professor S.B. Shayakhmetov, Ph.D. c.t.s., Associate Professor T.O. Chigambayev

Currently, the director of the Transport Engineering Institute is Dr. PhD, Abdreshov Shamil Askarovich.

Institute contacts

Institute: Transport and construction

Address: st. Shevchenko 97, Masanchi
Contact details: 4-storied,  office  No. 2420
Phone: 8 (727) 292-17-34, (#. 10-15).


Абдрешов Шамиль Аскарович

Director of the Institute "Transport and construction"

Abdreshov Shamil Askarovich, PhD

office: 2420, phone. 8 (727) 292-17-34 (10-15)

Сулеева Нургул Зинабдинқызы

Deputy Director of the Institute "Transport Engineering"

Suleeva Nurgul Zinabdinkyzy, c.t.s.

office: 2420, phone. (8-727) 292-17-34 (11-16)

Мусин Нурлан Геннадьевич

Deputy Director of the Institute "Transport Engineering"

Musin Nurlan Gennadievich, m.t.s.

office: 4218, phone. 8 (727) 292-17-34 (11-18)

Тойлыбаев Асылбек Ермаханович

Acting head of department "Motor vehicles and life safety"

Toilibaev Asilbek Ermahanovich, c.t.s. docent


Head of the Department "Rolling Stock"

Ashirbaev Galymzhan, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate professor

Office: 2407

Құлманов Қалижан Серікұлы

Head of the department "Architectural and construction engineering"

Kulmanov Khalizhan Serikovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences

Office: 2418

Карибаева Гульназ Бисултановна

Head of the department "Transport Construction"

Karibaeva Gulnaz Bisultanovna, Candidate of Technical Sciences

Office: 2408

Educational program

Educational programs for which training is conducted at the institute:


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