Institute of “Transport and construction”

Director of the Institute "Transport and construction"
Abdreshov Shamil Askarovich, PhD
4-storied, office No. 2420
Phone: 8 (727) 292-17-34, (#. 10-15).
You can also contact the directorate through the virtual reception
Dear current and future students, master’s students of the institute!!!
No state in the world did and will not do without developed transport equipment. The role of transport in the life of the planet, the state is really important, since only movement leads to progress. The transport university and the transport industry cannot develop effectively without mutual integration and close cooperation.
The objects of professional activity of our graduates are: life safety and environmental protection, production, operation, maintenance and repair of locomotives, wagons, cars, road equipment, construction of railways and roads, gas and oil storage facilities and gas and oil pipelines, bridges, tunnels and metro, architecture, cadastre and urban planning.
Graduate departments have their branches in transport enterprises, where students acquire practical skills and skills. All graduates are distributed at the enterprise of the transport and communication complex. The staff of the Transport and Construction Institute constantly monitors the fate and professional growth of its graduates. Cultural and sports life is actively developing. Our students have repeatedly become winners of scientific and sports competitions and competitions.
As a student of the Transport and Construction Institute, you are laying a solid foundation for your successful future!
Institute history
The Institute of Transport and Construction is one of the leading institutes of the M. Tynyshpaev ALT University, the history of which begins with the first days of the functioning of the Alma-Ata branch of TashIIT, then the Alma-Ata Institute of Railway Engineers. The Faculty of Transport Engineering and Construction was created on the basis of two abolished faculties of the Academy: the Faculty of Transport Engineering and Construction and Economics.
Since 2021, the Faculty of Transport Engineering and Construction has been renamed the Institute of Transport Engineering. From 2024, the Institute of Transport Engineering will be renamed the Institute of Transport and Construction.
In different years since the foundation of AlIIT faculties were headed by Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor V.D Basalaev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor A.A.Chernyakov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor E.P.Mikhalin, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor A.S.Sabetov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor B.M.Kuanyshev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor K.S.Kaspakbaev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor E.E. Baubekov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor M.Zh.Gabdullin, Candidate of Technical Sciences Associate Professor D.R Pya, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor S.S Abdullayev, Doctor of Technical Sciences Associate Professor N.R. Dzhakupov, Candidate of Technical Sciences Professor A.K Ibraimov, Doctor of Technical Sciences Professor S.B. Shayakhmetov, Candidate of Technical Sciences Associate Professor T.O. Chigambaev.
Currently, the director of the Institute of Transport and Construction is PhD doctor, Shamil Askarovich Abdreshov.
Institute contacts
Institute: Transport and construction
Address: st. Shevchenko 97, Masanchi
Contact details: 4-storied, office No. 2420
Phone: 8 (727) 292-17-34, (#. 10-15).

Director of the Institute "Transport and construction"
Abdreshov Shamil Askarovich, PhD
office: 2420, phone. 8 (727) 292-17-34 (10-15)

Deputy Director of the Institute "Transport Engineering"
Suleeva Nurgul Zinabdinkyzy, c.t.s.
office: 2420, phone. (8-727) 292-17-34 (11-16)

Deputy Director of the Institute "Transport Engineering"
Musin Nurlan Gennadievich, m.t.s.
office: 4218, phone. 8 (727) 292-17-34 (11-18)

Acting head of department "Motor vehicles and life safety"
Toilibaev Asilbek Ermahanovich, c.t.s. docent

Acting Head of the «Rolling Stock» Department
Chigambayev Temyrbay, Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Office: 2407

Head of the department "Architectural and construction engineering"
Kulmanov Khalizhan Serikovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences
Office: 2418

Head of the department "Transport Construction"
Karibaeva Gulnaz Bisultanovna, Candidate of Technical Sciences
Office: 2408
Educational program
Educational programs for which training is conducted at the institute:
Bachelor’s degree
6B07130 Highways and airfields
6B07137 – Rolling stock Engineering
6B07173– Rolling stock engineering
6В07329 – Construction of industrial and civil buildings and structures
6В07322 – Construction of oil and gas facilities
6B07324 ‒ Construction of roads and airfields
6B07138 Mechanical engineering
6B07330 Architecture of buildings and structures
6B07134 – Cars, track and construction vehicles
6B11235 – Life safety and environmental protection
6B11236-Occupational safety and environmental protection
6В07118 Travel and road vehicles
6B07119 Cars and automotive industry
6B07339 – Construction of oil and gas facilities
6B07129 Bridges, tunnels and subways
6B07128 Railway track and track facilities
6В07337 ‒ Construction of bridges, tunnels and subways
Master’s degree
7M07145 – RAILROAD ROLLING STOCK (Master’s Degree)
7M07146 – RAILROAD ROLLING STOCK (Master of Science and Pedagogy)
7M07147 Cars and road machinery
7M07148 Cars and road machinery
7M11203 Life safety and environmental protection
7M11201 – Life safety and environmental protection
7M07345 – Transport construction (profile 1.5 years)
7M07346-Transport construction