Institute of “Logistics and business”

Мусаева Гульмира Сериковна

Director of the Institute "Logistics and business"

Gulmira S. Mussayeva, Doctor of technical sciences, professor

Phone: +7 (727) 292 16 55
Office: 2501
You can also contact the directorate through the virtual reception

The role played by the transport system in the state’s economy allows us to rightfully call them the “blood arteries” of the national economy. Today, when the integration of Kazakhstan into the world economy is becoming more active, we are faced with the ambitious task of training professionals of the highest level, leaders capable of responding to the challenges of the global economy, as well as promoting the progress and prosperity of the transport and logistics industry of our country.

An applicant seeking to receive a high-quality, modern education can choose one of the educational programs of the Institute “Logistics and Management”. For school and college graduates, we offer full-time bachelor’s and then master’s programs in logistics, transportation organization, and economics. Managers, specialists and undergraduates who want to continue and improve their knowledge can choose PhD doctoral programs. There is also a wide range of professional retraining and advanced training programs.

Quality education and a successful career for students is the main goal of our teaching staff. Students have access to the high scientific and pedagogical potential of the teaching staff, modern teaching, laboratory and research classrooms, a rich library fund, and developed material, technical and computer equipment. We are proud of our strong industrial links with leading national and international employers. The institute’s training programs fully allow students to gain experience in the industry through practical training in leading transport companies at the end of each academic year. One of the features of the educational process of the institute is the collaboration of educational and scientific work, the direction of which is chosen by the students themselves under the guidance of leading professors. Work in scientific circles, participation in intra-university and international student competitions, conferences and exhibitions allow students to make the right choice of scientific direction.

We are always glad to see purposeful and ambitious young people at our institute, aimed at obtaining an excellent education, open to discussions and full-fledged dialogue. We are convinced that the scientific and practical achievements of the institute will find their real embodiment in you – our future students, and will open up excellent career prospects for graduates of the Institute of Logistics and Management of the Academy of Logistics and Transport.

We wish you success and high achievements!

Institute history

Institute “Logistics and Management” is one of the leading institutes of the Academy of Logistics and Transport, the history of which begins from the first days of the functioning of the Alma-Ata branch of TashIIT, then the Alma-Ata Institute of Railway Engineers.

In 1976 the Faculty of Operation of Railways was organized, and in 1983 it was renamed the Faculty of Transportation Process Management, since 1998 it has been transformed into the Faculty of Transportation Organization, since 2015 the Faculty of Logistics and Management , since 2021 the Institute “Logistics and Management”

The first organizer of the faculty was Ph.D., associate professor Kulmanov Kadyr Azhgireevich. Then Ph.D., associate professor Aubakirov Kenes Zhumagalievich worked as deans (from 03/01/1977 to 10/16/1980); Ph.D., professor Bekzhanov Zarkum Sartaevich (from 10/16/1980 to 10/25/1994); Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Sarbaev Sugirali Shakirovich (from 10/25/1994 to 10/25/1999); Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Kuanyshev Bakhytzhan Mukhambetovich (from 10.06.1999 to 01.09.2000); Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Karsybaev Yerzhan Ertaevich (from 18.06.01 to 01.11.01), Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Kushukbaev Kairolla Khabbasovich (from November 2001 to April 2003); Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Anuarbek Sabetovich Sabetov (from 10.11.2003 to 01.09.2004); Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Bekzhanova Saule Ertaevna (from 01.09.2004 to June 2011); Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Mukhametzhanova Aizhan Veslomovna (from 10.06.2011 to 13.05.2013); Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Karsybaev Yerzhan Ertaevich (from 05/15/13 to June 2014); Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Molgazhdarov Esentai Seisenbaevich (from September 2014 to January 2015); Ph.D., Igembaev Nurlan Kenzheshovich (from January 2015 to September 2016); Ph.D., Kenzhebaeva Gaukhar Zhumashovna (from September 2016 to January 2019); Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Karsybaev Yerzhan Ertaevich (from January 2019 to November 2019); Ph.D., Associate Professor Bitileuova Zukhra Kadesovna (from November 2019 to August 2020); candidate of economic sciences, associate professor Kaltayev Aydin Galdayakly(from September 2020 to August 2023). Today the institute is headed by the doctor of technical sciences, professor Mussayeva Gulmira.

Over the years, the structure of the institute has repeatedly changed, as educational programs and specializations expanded, according to which the training of engineers, and today bachelors, masters, doctoral students of transport, was conducted.

Institute contacts

Institute:Logistics and business

Address: Shevchenko St. 97, corner Masanchi, office. 2501
Tel. +7 (727) 292 16 55
ext. phone: 13-32


Мусаева Гульмира Сериковна

Director of the Institute "Logistics and business"

Gulmira S. Mussayeva, Doctor of technical sciences, professor
tel.: +7 (727) 292 16 55
office No. 2501

Бадамбаева Салтанат Ергазиевна

Deputy Director for Academic and Methodological Work

Badambaeva Saltanat Ergazievna

ext. 10-41
Office: 2501

Алик Асель

Deputy Director for Educational Work

Alik Assel, Master’s Degree in Services
tel. +7 (727) 292 32 30
ext. 10-42
office No. 2503

Мусалиева Роза Джалиловна

Head of the Department "Transport services and business"

Musalieva Roza Dzhalilovna, Associate professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences


Абдирайымова Ардак Серикбаевна

Head of the Department of "Social and Humanitarian Disciplines and Physical Education"

Abdiraiymova Ardak, professor, candidate of historical sciences

e-mail: а

Смаилова Фреза Ибрагимовна

Head of the Department "Language Education"

Smailova Feruza Ibragimovna
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Assistant-professor


Ахметова Патам Тургановна

Head of the department "General Engineering"

Akhmetova Patam Turganovna, Candidate of Technical Sciences



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